Perhaps you could make empty cells between the calendar columns?
E.g., between each table header (<th/>), put an empty one:

        <th abbr="Astelehena" [...] </th>
        <th abbr="Asteartea" [...] </th>

then add an additional


But my Calendar module isn't written that way so far... It has been localised. As far as you translate the long and short forms of 7 weekdays to a given language, and you set a variable called 'weekbegins' the output appears in one language or another, depending on the locale...

I have no 3 calendar-modules: just one. I have also a mesage catalog called 'gettext' to store translations, and a 'locale folder' (lf.folder) to store 'logic' according to each language... Those are utilites of Localizer ( )

I'll explain as I advance and document my i18n efforts.


<dtml-call "REQUEST.set('weekbeginning',lf.folder.weekbegins)">

<dtml-if "weekbeginning==0">
<dtml-call "REQUEST.set('sevendays',['Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday','Sunday'])">
<dtml-call "REQUEST.set('sevendays',['Sunday','Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday'])">

<table border="0" cellspacing="4" cellpadding="0" summary="<dtml-var "gettext('Monthly calendar with links to daily posts')">">
<dtml-comment>### Week ###</dtml-comment>
<dtml-in sevendays>
<th abbr="<dtml-var "gettext(_['sequence-item'])">" align="center"><span class="calendar"><dtml-var "gettext(_['sequence-item'][:3])"></span></th>

<dtml-comment>### Show date and link to the date ently list ###</dtml-comment>
<dtml-in "get_calendar(year=calendar_year,month=calendar_month, firstweekday=weekbeginning)">
<dtml-in sequence-item mapping>
<td align="center"><span class="calendar">
<dtml-if "day != 0">
<dtml-if "entry_count != 0">
<a href="<dtml-var blogurl missing="">/daylist_html?year=<dtml-var calendar_year>&month=<dtml-var calendar_month>&day=<dtml-var day>">
<dtml-var day>
<dtml-if "entry_count != 0">

Luistxo Fernandez [EMAIL PROTECTED] - 652 750 362

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