
I am a complete newbie to this list and to courierIMAP.  I was  
wondering if I could get some beginners advice and direction.

Though I am new to establishing email servers and the like, I am  
proficient in programming and hopefully not completely ignorant :)

I'm looking to start a new project which will involve creating what  
might be called a virtual IMAP server.   Essentially, I would like to  
take a pop3 email account from work and create my own imap server for  
it.  My idea is that my server will check my work pop3 account every  
so often using a cron job or similar.  It will then download the  
messages onto my own server where I could access them using my own  
imap server.  if i delete a message through my imap server it would  
then check to see if the message is still present on my work pop3  
account and remove it.

I don't know if I am explaining this too well but can anyone give me  
direction on how to do something like this ?  I am familiar with MYSQL  
and have no problem creating tables to store the email.  But I know  
that postfix and courierIMAP use maildir.  Is it possible to maybe use  
php to retrieve the pop mail then use php imap commands to insert the  
mail into something accessible by courierIMAP.

Any help or direction would be appreciated!

Thank you,


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