03. Deprecate YAML Tiny dialect for JSON


The current META.yml isn't really YAML.  It has many of the drawbacks of
YAML and none of the technical benefits.  It has the benefit of being sort
of user editable, but both YAML and YAML Tiny can seem more human-editable
than they are.  We almost certainly want machines writing META files

META.json should replace META.yml over time.  Given both, META.json should
be preferred.  JSON is entirely unambiguous, very easy for humans and
machines to read, has a very short and clear specification, and has a very
well proven pure-Perl reader and emitter with no non-core prereqs that
could be cored.  Parse::CPAN::Meta could handle both.

Alternately, META.yml could be detected as either JSON or YAML Tiny by
Parse::CPAN::Meta, relying on the "well, JSON is YAML" hand wave.


* I would like to phase out the use of YAML Tiny entirely.  YAML was a
  great idea that has failed to thrive in Perl land, and YAML Tiny is a
  great way to cope with our reliance on that failed idea.  Rather than let
  YAML Tiny live forever, we should begin the process of deprecating it
  entirely over the next 5-10 years. rjbs 15:36, 28 August 2009 (BST)

* I concur with Ricardo that at the very least we should at least state in
  the next version that the YAML format is ultimately destined for
  deprecation. AdamK

* I would like one violation of the JSON spec: allow Javascript-style
  comments. My one beef with the JSON spec. Elliot

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