On Sat, Oct 31, 2009 at 11:38 AM, Barbie <bar...@missbarbell.co.uk> wrote:
> I see 01, 02 and 03 all part of the same discussion really. There seems
> little point in discussing YAML if we think moving to JSON is the better
> option. I'm with the strongly agree camp on the first part of above :)
> (and with the no new dialect on the second part)

I've actually been thinking that for an upgrade path, it might be
handy to have tools like M::B, EU::MM, and M::I generate a 1.4
META.yml and a 2.0 META.json.

The spec should mandate that tools check the version and not process
anything they don't understand.  Right now, that isn't the case, I

> However, we don't want to suddenly make the whole of CPAN invalid.
> Thankfully as Parse::CPAN::Meta appears to support both, I think we have
> that covered. I'm happy to support JSON in core, but would rather we do
> it visiably rather than under the covers as per the M::B example David
> mentioned in an earlier post.

Agreed.  I've tested the waters on p5p and I think it will be possible
to move JSON to core once we code up the toolchain to mandate it.

- David

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