On Oct 9, 2009, at 7:25 AM, Hans Dieter Pearcey wrote:

Excerpts from David Golden's message of Fri Oct 09 07:53:50 -0400 2009:
26. Specify a DLSIP resource


DLSIP codes should be specified in META.* as a resource.

My impression of DLSIP is that it's nearly as unused as the modules list. Is
this inaccurate?

right. people that do bother to register a module do normally set the columns. but

D - Development Stage - I am not sure anyone ever changes this after initial registration

L - Language Used - this could be added to META as it could be relevant to build. ie do you need a C++ compiler etc

S - Support Level - this can sort of be implied by the resources section in META

I - Interface Style - not sure thats all that interesting. personally I would rather read the docs+code to determine if I wanted to use a module

P - Public License - having a single character description is a little limited. the license field in META is much better



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