On Tuesday-201001-05 19:48, David Golden wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 5, 2010 at 6:19 PM, Eric Wilhelm <enoba...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Given the constraint of bootstrap-ability, it seems like you should
>> answer "Why not tsv?" before reaching for anything more complicated.
> Because META is already multi-dimensional and I don't want to find or
> re-invent a wheel for representing multi-dimensional data in tsv.  The
> YAML/JSON debate is pretty much over as far as the META spec goes and
> JSON wins.
> Thus, given the pending arrival of JSON into core for META, I see no

So you are saying screw the older Perl distributions?

> reason not to use JSON for index information as well.  The last thing
> we need is for CPAN/CPANPLUS/Tool-X to all implement their own tsv
> parsers and we don't already have one in core, do we?  (I could be

Yes, it's called <> and split(/\t/).

> wrong there).
> This is such a stupid bikeshed conversation anyway.

Wait until you see the color we chose.

> David

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