Today my attention was drawn to this older post on Stack Overflow:

The original poster apparently found a work-around for his problem, but I felt there were still puzzling things about the case. Here's the setup (as best I can tell):

1. User has installed App::cpanminus to work with the system perl.

2. User tries to use cpanm to install a module (in this case, Try::Tiny, but it doesn't really matter which one) from CPAN. It appears that, at least on the user's first pass he/she did not use 'sudo' in any way -- but the actual command-line invocation is not provided.

3. cpanm first sounds warnings at:

Checking if your kit is complete...
Warning: the following files are missing in your kit:

The process appears to be failing *all* the files in the kit; this is not a problem of a CPAN author screwing up one or two items in the MANIFEST.

That's what puzzling to me: The fact that cpanm (or perhaps 'make' underneath cpanm) is missing the kit in its entirety.

Have others encountered this?

Do you know what could have caused this? (The poster apparently got a better outcome when using 'sudo' with 'cpanm', but it's not clear to me why that would happen.)

Thank you very much.
Jim Keenan

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