First cut at a script to check new CPAN packages: 

At the moment it just flags:
Package names that are confusable with packages in other dists
Package names which don’t come under the expected main package name

The first time you run it, it will grab the current CPAN Index. When you next 
run it (eg tomorrow) it will grab the index again, and then check new packages. 
It expects $HOME/cpan-watcher to exist.

And the output today:

new package Dancer2::Logger::LogAny (dist Dancer2-Logger-LogAny) is confusable 
with package Dancer::Logger::LogAny (dist Dancer-Logger-LogAny)
new package Device::Chip::AD5691R is in dist Device-Chip-AnalogConverters, but 
doesn't match expected namespace (Device::Chip::AnalogConverters)
new package Lab::Moose::Connection::USB is in dist Lab-Measurement, but doesn't 
match expected namespace (Lab::Measurement)
new package Lab::Moose::Connection::VXI11 is in dist Lab-Measurement, but 
doesn't match expected namespace (Lab::Measurement)
new package Lab::Moose::Instrument::ZI_MFIA is in dist Lab-Measurement, but 
doesn't match expected namespace (Lab::Measurement)

I’m going to have this in a crontab, running once a day.


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