Tonight I attempted to upload to PAUSE a trial version of a CPAN distribution I maintain. I built and tested a tarball on my desktop, then scp-ed the tarball to my Linode server. I then signed in to PAUSE and put the URL to the tarball in the appropriate box. I usually expect to get an upload notification within minutes and, soon thereafter, see it entering the metabase log file. I have done CPAN uploads like this many dozens of times.

Tonight, however, I did not get any upload notification email and did not see the file entering metabase. Instead, after several hours, I got an email from "PAUSE <>" with this content:

The URL, requested for upload as J/JK/JKEENAN/Devel-NYTProf-6.12_001.tar.gz has problems[.] I have retried to fetch it 8 times to no avail. I'll continue to try until the maximum of 16
retries is reached. Then I'll give up to give room for a new trial.

I incremented $VERSION and tried again.  This did not appear to work.

I incremented $VERSION again and asked PAUSE to fetch the tarball directly from my desktop -- i.e., not from my server. This succeeded.

The only thing which I think is different from my last CPAN upload is that about a month ago I upgraded my server from http:// to https://. I have not encountered any problems with the server since then. The file permissions on the tarballs I was trying to upload are 0644 -- same as all the other dozens of tarballs I've uploaded from that server.

Any ideas as to why I could not upload from my server (for the first time in 18 years!)?

Thank you very much.
Jim Keenan

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