On 10/8/23 18:38, Tony Cook wrote:
On Sun, Oct 08, 2023 at 09:59:10AM -0400, James E Keenan wrote:
It might be the host performing the fetch is missing the root
certificate needed for your LetsEncrypt certificate, but ssltest is
the place to start.

Is there any indication in the data above to support that hypothesis? If
not, where do we go from here?

Not that I can see.

I suspect this is something Andreas would need to resolve.

It's possible it was a temporary problem, so you should try again
before contacting Andreas.

I did try again, with the same results. I then contacted Andreas, who said that (a) this is a known problem, i.e., PAUSE is currently unable to fetch tarballs for upload from https://; (b) it won't be fixed until the new PAUSE server gets installed.

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