At 09:48 AM 06/09/2003 -0700, Major Variola (ret.) wrote:
Capitol Police spokeswoman Jessica Gissubel said police stopped the car
as it was traveling on Constitution Avenue on the north side of
the Capitol because it had a gasoline container strapped to its roof.
The man, who was not identified, voluntarily
handed over the ammunition, described as a shotgun shell.
It is illegal to carry unregistered ammunition in the District of Columbia.

Normally I would make some cynical remark about the appropriateness of Constitution Avenue as a venue for violating the second amendment, but this sounds like a case of Darwin catching up with the guy in a way that only eliminates *him* from the gene pool rather than taking out innocent bystanders when the gas can falls off his car roof....

He's clearly from the clue-deprived side of the street
about a variety of issues.

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