Forgive me if I'm missing the point here but I don't think the original
question was how to make steganography better and hide the message more
effectively (although that's certainly a valuable goal).

Sometimes it's important to hide the fact that a secret message exists.  A
good guy in enemy territory may wish to communicate with friends outside.
Discovery of the ciphertext would alert the enemy to his presence.  So the
question becomes, without identifying the location of the ciphertext in a
prior agreement or on some outside channel, can a person communicate with
friends without alerting enemies to the existance of secret communications?

For example, it's possible that this email was written by a political
prisoner in a 3rd world country and he's used steganography to conceal a
message to his friends and family right here in these 3 paragraphs.  My
question is, without prior agreement or access to an outside channel, how
are his friends to know to look on the [EMAIL PROTECTED] Listserv for the
ciphertext?  No matter how well concealed (stego)or how well encrypted
(crypto), does he have any way of notifying his friends that they should
look here without alerting the enemy of his attempts to communicate?

- Eric Tully

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