On Thu, 27 Nov 2003 11:30:45 -0500, Ian Grigg said:

>> such keys to give them extra time to revoke the keys.  However one
>> addresss was from killfile.org and actually a mail-news gateway ...

> Was said key was being used to sign messages of some
> authentication importance?

I don't know.

> art.  Werner, if you come across any cases where
> people are incovenienced beyond the normal key &
> code replacement issues, I'd hope you can share the
> anecdotes with us (suitably anonymised as appropriate)?

Regarding this ElGamal sign bug, the only thing I heard of were a very
few Debian developers who lost all their key signatures and have to
start again gathering new signatures from their co-Debian developers.
However there was no anger about this it sounds more like, "oops, I
shoot myself into my foot with my self-build secure thing".


Werner Koch                                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
The GnuPG Experts                                http://g10code.com
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