On Wed, 5 Mar 2003, Bill Frantz wrote:

>The best counter to this problem is widely available systems to produce
>fake photos of the vote, so the vote buyer can't know whether the votes he
>sees in the photo are the real votes, or fake ones.

blink, blink.

you mean *MORE* widely available than photoshop/gimp/illustrator/etc?

Let's face it, if somebody can *see* their vote, they can record it.
and if someone can record it, then systems for counterfeiting such a
record already exist and are already widely dispersed.  If the
republicans, democrats, greens, libertarians, natural law party, and
communist party all offer you a bottle of beer for a record of your
vote for them next year, there's no reason why you shouldn't go home
without a six-pack.


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