
I'd like to build and use Crypto++ on Windows (64bit).

So far I used VisualStudio 2012 to compile Crypto++ 5.6.5 to generate the 
static libary cryptlib.lib. According to the output, this should have 
completed successfully.
I set up a simple project in VistualSutio 2012 (I used this AES encryption 
included the header files and gave a refrences to the cryptlib.lib file.

However, when compiling errors of the following form appear:
"error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol ""protected: virtual void 
__thiscall CryptoPP::CBC_Decryption::ResizeBuffers(void)" 
(?ResizeBuffers@CBC_Decryption@CryptoPP@@MAEXXZ)". "

Does this mean that definitions / implemenations for some header files are 
missing? Does more than the *cryptlib.lib* file have to be included?
Or can you maybe spot a mistake in how I set up the project / created the 

I gave a detailed step-by-step instruction of what I did in this github 
issue <https://github.com/weidai11/cryptopp/issues/390>.

It would be great if someone could help me.

Best regards

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