Eystein Alnaes wrote:
> ...
> http://edb.episerverhotell.net/en/Bransjer/Handel-og-Industri/Minibanktjenester/
> The dropdown under the "Bransjer" tab is unclickable on the part that should
> be hovering over the div class="secton article". ...

In all IE, any element that has position:relative and haslayout=true 
forms a stacking context. This is not correct, it would need to have a 
z-index to act as a stacking context.

Assume you have two stacking contexts.
B follows A.
B is higher in the stack, nearest to the user.


No matter what z-index you choose for it, a child Ax will never leave 
its stacking context A.

A - A1, A2, A3 ....

No child of A will ever be higher in the stack than B.

Back to your case, #header erroneously forms such a stacking context, 
because of {position:relative; width: 920px /*haslayout=true*/}

And there is a regular stacking context following:
#main {position:relative; z-index: 1}


No matter what z-index you choose for it, a child of #header will never 
leave its stacking context #header.

#header #menu

The #menu inside of #header will be painted over by #main. And even if 
#main is transparent, the drop down #menu will loose mouse focus and 

Basically I'm saying that you'll have to apply z-index: 2 to #header, to 
have the entire #header higher in the stack, nearer to the user, than 


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