At 10:28 AM +0000 3/6/08, Nick Fitzsimons wrote:

>Better still, use the resources Microsoft have provided for developers to
>give them feedback on the beta:
>Probably a more reliable way of communicating with them than expecting
>them to go off and check somebody else's wiki every day on the offchance
>there's something new there :-)

    Agreed, although I'm pretty sure the IE team is aware of the css-d 
wiki and will check any IE8 information that gets posted there.  In 
fact, I'll e-mail Chris Wilson to make sure they know about it.
    BUT: if you only have time to report an IE8 problem in one place, 
do it via the Microsoft feedback page Nick listed.  If you then find 
time to document the same problem on the wiki, that's awesome, but 
it's really secondary priority.

Eric A. Meyer (, List Chaperone
"CSS is much too interesting and elegant to be not taken seriously."
   -- Martina Kosloff (
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