-Caveat Lector-


Special to ABCNEWS.com

              Taiwan To Get Smart Cards

              Under a new $300 million program recently
              announced by Taiwan’s deputy minister for economic
              affairs, every adult will be given two smart cards: one
              for identification and one for transactions. Deputy
              Minister Chang Chang-pang made the announcement
              to the Asia Pacific Smart Card Association in a
              keynote address.
                   The system will feature both contact and
              contactless cards, and will be used for ID, medical
              and social security benefits. It could be the first card
              to combine all health insurance information, including
              prescription coverage, on one piece of plastic. One
              can expect public transportation uses as well, similar
              to the Octopus system now in use in Hong Kong.
                   “This initiative on the part of the Taiwan
              government paves the way for the introduction of
              intelligent smart card solutions in the private and
              public sectors not just in Taiwan, but across Asia and
              the rest of the world,” APSCA GM Greg Pote noted
              last week in an IT Daily release.
                   I think he may be right. The ASEAN market, less
              sensitive to privacy issues that plague the West, is
              perfect for large-scale smart card development. Once
              these apps prove themselves in Taiwan, expect to
              see them in the U.S. and Europe soon.

Steve Wingate
California Director

TodaysLink: The Ultimate Collection of Winsock Software (TUCOWS)

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