Forwared:  From ADD Holistic
List owner Mark Gold

I forwarded that abstract about magnesium deficiency in ADHD children
and significant improvement after supplementation to Dr. Russell
Blaylock. (I also forwarded to him another abstract that he refers
to.)  I thought his comments would be of interest to the list:

Date: Wed, 30 Dec 1998 16:17:45 -0500
From: "Russell Blaylock, M.D." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Magnesium and ADD/ADHD

>Ann Acad Med Stetin 1998;44:297-314
>The aim of my work was the answer to the following questions: how often does
>the deficiency of magnesium, copper, zinc, calcium, iron occur among
>hyperactive children in comparison with healthy children, deficiency of which

Thank you for passing the paper along.
It has been something that I suspected all along. A group working out of
Covington, La that I work with asked me about excitotoxins and ADD and I
suggested that they add magnesium supplimentation to their protecol. They
have found it to be very helpful. As you know, magnesium acts by blocking
the voltage gated NMDA receptor physiologically. Magnesium deficiency is
very common because of poor diets and use of carbonated soft drinks. I have
researched most of the papers concerned with magnesium and neurological
function and have found it to be one of the most remarkable
neuroprotectants. I use it on all of my surgical cases, especially with
brain trauma, subarachnoid hemorrhages and strokes with great success.
unfortunately, most neurosurgeons do not use it.

I also appreciate the abstract you sent me concerning formaldehyde
formation from NutraSweet esposure. It was a very interesting paper, that
demonstrates that formaldehyde formation from aspartame ingestion is very
common and does indeed accumulate within the cell, reacting with cellular
proteins ( mostly enzymes) and DNA ( both mitochondrial and nuclear). The
fact that it accumulates with each dose, indicates grave consequences among
those who consume diet drinks and foodstuffs on a daily basis.

I have also discovered that MSG excitotoxicity is greatly magnified in the
presence of lead. This would  have importance in children with ADD having
elevated tissue lead levels. Likewise, recent studies have shown that MSG
dramatically elevates free radical generation within all tissues, not just
brain, and that it does so for a prolonged periods of time following even a
single dose. The importance of this observation is that this would also
raise the likelihood of cancer induction in several exposed tissues,
including brain, by oncogene activation by said free radicals.

It is unfortunate that so few in the field of ADDand ADHD care giving
understand the central importance of excitotoxins. Many of the treatment
that I have seen relate back to excitotoxicity, despite other explinations
being given. For example, the Feingold diet. Close adherence to the diet
eleminates many excitotoxins from the diet. I suspect this is why it works
so well. Remember, excitotoxins interplay with many neurotransmitters,
stimulate free radical production, damage brain lipids, interact with many
trace metals,  and that elevated intake of excitotoxins is associated with
eicosanoid injury to neurons, which would explain thier relationship to
omega-3-fatty acids. These are very powerful substances and not only can
they kill neurons, but they affect their physiology and even brain
development itself.

[followup comments]

With the newer studies linking excitotoxicity with free radical
generation, I think it will be very difficult for those selling these toxin
to defend them as safe much longer. I am especially concerned because the
free radical generation caused by excitotoxins is so prolonged. It must be
related to all degenerative diseases, including cancer. In the case of
aspartame, the effects of formaldehyde on cellular proteins and DNA (
oncogene activation and p53 tumor suppressor gene alteration) in
conjunction with free radical generation would certainly lead to a high
incidence of neuronal dysfunction. I think this is why I receive so many
calls from young women who have developed brain tumors ( mostly
astrocytomas) following prolonged use of NutraSweet.


Best Wishes,
                             - Mark
                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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