-Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
America's Secret Establishment
An introduction to The Order of Skull & Bones
Liberty House Press
2027 Iris
Billings, Montana 59102
Highly recommended. There is more in this book than can be presented here.
Many charts and reproductions of orginal source material. As always, Caveat

The books has another 80 pages of original materials. Get the Book.

In stock  at:  A-albionic Research, PO Box 20273, Ferndale, MI 48220-0273
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lloyd Miller, Research Director)

       Memorandum Number Three:
         The Ritual of The Order

 The ritual of The Order is a closely held secret. The most that anyone
can do at this stage is piece together some elements of the ritual and
their probable meaning.

 The extraordinary secrecy is itself part of a ritual. Members are sworn
not to discuss the organization, its procedures or its objectives.
Presumably, only an FBI. or Congressional investigation could break this
code of "omerta" (Mafia = silence).

 The secrecy is carried to extraordinary lengths. Members may not re-
main in the room if The Order is under discussion. Words spoken within
The Order may not be placed on paper, even in letters to fellow
members. For example, witness the following extract from a letter cir-
culated to members by W. Iain Scott (D; 171), President of Deer Iland
Club Corporation:

   But beyond these mere quantitative measures of success, it is the
   quality of the Deer Iland experience that commends the Club to
   your attention. There are few, if any,  places where the B-n-s life
   thrives in such luxuriance outside the thick and tomblike walls in
   New Haven. Our Order is, to use an economic term, very much
   horizontally integrated. That is, our ties to it are strongest through
   a very narrow slice of time - one  special year. Deer Iland, for me,
   and I believe many-others, has expanded these ties vertically
   through contact with younger and older members. Visitors to the
   island last summer ranged from D. 124 to D. 182, twelve of them.
   It serves as prelude to the music of the B-n-s for the "newly
   fledged exalted K----ts" and as an endlessly rising canon on that
   wonderful theme to the p-tr--rchs."

 Notice three abbreviations to conceal internal use of words from any
possible outsider who may stumble on a copy of the letter:

   B-n-s  = Bones (cited twice)
   k----ts  = Knights
   p-tr--rchs = Patriarchs

 The reader may consider this juvenile, and it may well be. On the
other hand, these "juveniles" are the men today running the United

 Chapter meetings of Patriarchs are announced using a format which
has not changed since the early 19th century. An interesting and signifi-
cant aspect of these announcements is the manner in which they reflect
elements of the ritual: the skull and bones, the periods into which The
Order has placed its history and the club numbers.

 We reproduce below announcements for the following years:

    1. July 28, 1859 - the earliest year for which we have a copy.
      Note the Roman letters V1 in the center of the sheet.
    2. July 23, 1868 - the last year for which we have a record of
      the V1 appearing. We understand that 1869 was actually the
      last year with V1.
    3. July 21, 1870 - the first year with VIII in the center. Note that
      VII appears to have been skipped completely.
    4. June 17, 1936 - note that the format remains almost the
      same. This one was signed by Potter Stewart, later
      (1958-1981) Supreme Court Justice.
    5. May 31, 1984 - the latest announcement notice. Note that
      the Club number D. 183 now appears, but in essence the
     sheet remains exactly as in 1859. It appears they even used
     the same skull and bones.

  The initiation ceremony-itself has been partially described in both the
1876 documents (reproduced below) and a century later by Ron
Rosenbaum in "The Last Secrets of Skull & Bones" (Esquire,
September 1977).

  Each year 15 newly tapped members are put through what has been
described as a "harrowing" ordeal - presumably to test their manhood
in a manner traditional with fraternity hazing.

  According to Rosenbaum, "one can hear strange cries and moans
coming from the bowels of the tomb" during initiation.

  Four elements of the initiation ceremony are recorded:

   * that the initiate has to lie naked in a sarcophagus.
   * that he is required to tell the "secrets" of his sex life to fellow
   * that Patriarchs dressed as skeletons and acting as wild-eyed
    lunatics howl and screech at new initiates.
   * that initiates are required to wrestle naked in a mud pile.

 Undoubtedly there is more. However, the above is enough to war-
rant branding The Order as based on behavior more suited to juvenile

 Undoubtedly the more serious part of the initiation process is peer
pressure, the conversion of juveniles into presumably responsible
members of an unelected elite. As Rosenbaum comments, "the real
purpose of the institution was . . . devoted to converting the idle pro-
geny of the ruling class into morally serious leaders of the

 What happens in the initiation process is essentially a variation of
brain-washing or encounter group processes. Knights, through heavy
peer pressure, become Patriarchs prepared for a life of the exercise of
power and continuation of this process into future generations.

  In brief, the ritual is designed to mold establishment zombies, to en-
sure continuation of power in the hands of a small select group from
one generation to another. But beyond this ritual are aspects notably

       Memorandum Number Four:
       Satanic Aspects of The Order

   Even with our limited knowledge of the internal ritual of The Order
we can make three definite statements about the links between The
Order and satanic beliefs.

   These observations should be seen as a start point for further research
and consideration.

   The first link is through photographic evidence of the association of
Skull & Bones with satanic devices, i.e., the skull and crossed bones
 The second link is through satanic symbolism.

 The third link is through the association of The Order with the New
Age Movement, well documented in a remarkable new book by
Constance Cumbey, The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow (Huntington
House, Inc., Suite G, 1200 North Market Street, Shreveport, LA


 Photographic evidence exists of the use of the satanic devices of a
skull and crossed bones in ceremonies of The Order.

 We reproduce on the following page a photograph of the "Class of
1869." Fifteen members of the Club, thirteen standing and two seated,
are grouped around crossed thigh bones and a skull. A handwritten list
of these men is also reproduced.

 In the background is a grandfather clock. From 1833 to the present
time a grandfather clock is presented to each Knight upon initiation and
stays with him throughout his life as a memento of what is called "the
Bones experience."

 We also reproduce two other photographs of other classes seated
around a skull and bones. According to other evidence, at least three
sets of skulls and assorted bones are kept within the Bones Temple
the Yale campus.

 An obvious point is that these bones and skulls are former human be- ings.
Instead of sacred treatment they are exhibited and used for
ceremonial purposes. Where the bones should be resting decently in a
grave, they have become the center of a secret ceremony. In brief, the
photographs reveal the men portrayed as grave robbers who reject
human dignity and decency and use satanic devices.

  Artist Elizabeth Stucki[1] [1. Margaret Elizabeth Stucki, War on Light: The
Destruction of the Image of God in Man Throug Modern Art (Available from
Freedom University Press), p. 7.] has commented on the mask and the skull in
modern art and the symbolic meaning.

  Says Stucki:

            "The Skull - Mortality Unmasked
   The opposite of the mask is the skull. The face of the person is a
   fleshy skin worn between the two. People who deny the person as
   made in the image of God directly, and individually created and
   loved by Him, will seek either of these exits to being truly human
   - the mask which covers the mortal man or the skull which is left
   after mortal man has departed. Primitive minds who have not yet
   found God and sophisticates who have rejected Him, desire the
   mask and the skull."

 Collectivist artist Picasso, darling of New York establishment elitists,

was also preoccupied with skulls in a manner very similar to members of
Skull and Bones. The preoccupation is portrayed by Leo Steinberg in
Art News, October 1971. Artist Stucki comments on Picasso's morbid
interest in skulls as follows:

   In 1945, Picasso painted "Skull and Pitcher." Leo Steinberg states
   that in it "the light's character is consistently altered" The light is
   as hard as an axe-blade, not softly spiritual. Steinberg also gives
   the painting a Freudian interpretation of sexuality and interperts
   the pitcher to be the "receiving part in a Satanic annunciation."
   He refers to Morgenstern's poetry on sex and the skull In this arti-
   cle he feels that Picasso projected himself into the skulls. He made
   eight skulls in one week as a method of mastering his fear of
   death. In 1930, Picasso was self-projecting into the Minotaur
   monsters he painted. He had painted skulls all along; an earlier
   one in 1907, is in a still-life now in Leningrad. In the same year,
   he discarded the idea of using a skull in his "Demoiselles
   d'Avignon." In the mid-1940s, he used it as a mask, on an owl, or
   on a horseface."


  Constance Cumbey in The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow identifies
several organizations linked to The Order and the objectives of

  Cumbey identifies Benjamin Creme and the Tara Center based in
New York, Los Angeles, Amsterdam and London as a New Age phe-
nomenon. To Creme are linked Unity and Unitarian Church leaders.

Unknown to Cumbey, The Order has long-standing and significant links
to the relatively small Unitarian Church. In fact, former President
William Taft, whose father co-founded The Order, was President of the
Unitarian Association in his time.

 Cumbey identifies the link between Hitler and the New Age move-
ment and former research by this author linked The Order to the found-
ing and Growth of Nazism.

 Most significantly, Cumbey states that the New Age movement plans
to bring about a New World Order "which will be a synthesis between
the U.S.S.R,, Great Britain and the United States."

 Finally, Cumbey points out that the anti-Christ and satanic aspects
are woven into the cult of the New Age movement.

       Memorandum Number Five:
     Is The Order also the Illuminati?

  The Illuminati was a group of Bavarian conspirators dedicated to the
overthrow of government. The society was founded on May 1, 1776, by
Adam Weishaupt, Professor of Canon Law at the University of
Ingolstadt. The Order of the Illuminati presumably ceased to exist when
it was raided by the Bavarian Police in 1786 on orders from the Elector
of Bavaria. The Order was dissolved and its seized papers published.
Because the Bavarian state ordered the Illuminati papers published, we
have authentic information about the organization and its methods ofoperation.

  At this point we want to draw a comparison between The Order
known as Skull and Bones and The Order known as the Illuminati in
18th century Bavaria. This is not the time or the place to draw final con-
clusions. These have to await more information. Here are some
parallels worth considering.


 The Illuminati had its origins at University of Ingolstadt and recruited
mainly from the Student-encorpos, the student bodies common to Ger-
man universities.

 The Order had its origins at Yale in 1833, but Skull & Bones is a
chapter of a German secret society. It was introduced into the United
States by William Russell, later General William Russell, who brought a
charter back from his student days in Germany.

 The German origins have been denied on the Yale campus, but
evidence exists to confirm German origins. When the Temple was
raided in 1876 the entrants found a card on which was written: "From
the German Chapter. Presented by Patriarch D.C. Gilman of D. 50."[1][1. See
Item 2 following Page. The Fall of Skull and Bones, p. 5.]


  The Illuminati and Skull & Bones are both known internally as "The
Order" or "Our Order." However, this terminology is not uncommon
among secret societies and perhaps nothing can be read into this coin-
cidence. Moreover, the structure is quite different. The Illuminati had a
structure, apparently based on the Jesuits, where only two members
were known to each superior member.

  Skull & Bones has an entirely different structure, one designed to
continue into perpetuity. Each Club has 15 members chosen by the
Club immediately preceding. This has remained a consistent procedure
from 1833 to 1485. Each club has an "Agent" who is in communication with the
Secretary of RTA, the Russell Trust Association, the legal entity for The

 Obviously from the structural viewpoint, there is no similarity what-
 soever between the Illuminati and Skull & Bones.


 On the other hand, both are intensively secretive organizations. We
 have already commented that Bonesmen are supposed to refuse to
discuss even membership in The Order, and this unquestionably ap-
plied to the Illuminati. Secrecy can be used to conceal illegal activities.

Obviously secrecy is only needed if there is something to con-
ceal. Secrecy is superfluous if there is nothing to conceal.

 Initiates are sworn to secrecy. They are required to leave the room if
The Order comes into discussion. They cannot - under oath - answer
questions on The Order and its organizations. In correspondence be-
tween members concealment even involves spelling Patriarch as
P------ch and Knight as K----t, etc. The membership lists are secret. The
only information to be surfaced has been obtained by illegal means. This
poses a moral problem for research and writing. Are we justified in
publishing secret information?

  The Illuminati is also secret.

  The following is from a private letter between members of the
Illuminati and published by the Elector of Bavaria: "The great strength
of our Order lies in its concealment; let it never appear in any place in its
own name, but always covered by another name and another oc-

 Members of both Orders use their power and influence to help fellow
members. This is a long-standing arrangement well known inside and
outside The Order. In Volume One, Introduction To The Order we
analyzed what we termed the Chain of Influence in the Whitney,
Stimson and Bundy families. How these three families, all with
members in The Order, working closely together to maintain a hold
over U.S. foreign affairs for almost a century.

 Now here's an extract from an Illuminati letter:

   The power of the Order must surely be turned to the advantage of
   its members. All must be assisted. They must be preferred to all
   persons otherwise of equal merit.

 There is also an interesting piece of circumstantial evidence that
points to an Illuminati connection. The membership catalogs are in-
tended for internal use by members so it is reasonable to assume that
any markings or information is authentic and has some meaning with
The Order. The catalogs have always printed in one form or another,
usually at the head of the page, the letters "P and D." Thus, the 1833
list has "Period 2 Decade 3."

 The period is constant at "2" while the Decade increases by one each
ten years, i.e., decade 3, 4, 5, etc.

 The "D" number is always less than the class number. Up to 1970 by
2 and after 1970 by 1. In other words the first list of members -
class of 1833 was designated "P. 231-D.3l."

 In brief, the organization started in the United States was in the
third decade of the second period. So a sensible question is -
where does that place the start?  -Presumably in Germany. The first
decade of the second period would then begin in 1800 and the
period would have ended in the decade 1790 to 1800. That places us
In the time frame of the elimination of Illuminati by the
Bavarian Elector.

pps. 200-214

The book is 294 pages - Get The Book.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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