from soc.genealogy.medieval:

Subject: Reptilian Alien Bloodlines - Medieval Dragons, etc.  :-)
Date: Sun, Apr 4, 1999 07:30 EDT
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


    Happy Easter Day to all.

    My son works at Barnes and Noble and told me about a rather unusual and
extremely "popular" book.  It has only been out for a few weeks, but people
can't seem to get enough copies.  No it's not about Monica, although Bill is

    It is called THE BIGGEST SECRET and the author is David Icke.  It
explores the notion that aliens really are with us, and that they are lizard
people?  :-)  Adam was the first hybrid according to this book.  Dragons are
real and still around today (as decendants of these aliens), Clinton is one
according to Icke.  Vampires are a result as well, and  The House of Windsor.
 And that is why they killed Lady Diana Spencer, because she found them out.
She said they were all "cold as lizards."  Perhaps this is why some people
can't stand the cold?  Hmmm  :-)

And this book is duly footnoted too, and based on many different cultural
beliefs throughout the times.

My son said people really are into this.  One never knows.

Call this my humorous addition to the myth controversy that has been going on

Maggie in  Michigan

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