-Caveat Lector-

On Sun, 11 Apr 1999, "Samatha 'Smith'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>How many nineteen-year-olds can face such pressure and lack of privacy
>and develop a healthy sense of self?

A bulemic who threw herself down stairs in an attempt to kill herself?
HARDLY the description of someone with a 'healthy sense of self'...

>> >She was sensitive and caring and human.
>>ensitive to the IMAGE she presented to the public, and to which end she
> PRETENDED to be caring, and interested in humanitarian causes...
>    Well, how remarkable for you that you know her innermost heart.


SHE did not describe herself as a caring, humanitarian person, but as
someone who's days revolved around her beauty regimin and attending trendy
restaurants and discos...

>> >She was beautiful and enjoyed her beauty.
> >You fanatical devotees are really keen on that, aren't you?  Thereby
> proving the superficiality of the Diana cult, as superficial as she
> herself was...
>I'm observant.  But you can call me what you like.

You avoid the issue that you people make a big issue of her beauty,
thereby showing that surface attributes are more important than what the
person is like 'inside'...

>> >IMHO that's what counts -- warmth and the absence of crippling envy.
>> And you think she DIDN'T envy the Windsors?  ;-)
>Actually, it wasn't her envy I was alluding to.

Then I suspose you are alluding that _I_ am envious...but that is the
farthest thing from the truth...I consider Diana Spencer a brainless
bimbo, who was totally superficial but was clever enough to know how to
manipulate the press for her own ends...but was heinous enough to foster
an IMAGE of herself as a humanitarian, instead of actually BEING one...
hardly someone to admire, let alone envy...

And if I WAS going to 'envy' anyone for their physical attributes, there
are any number of candidates who also demonstrate a beautiful SOUL and an
ample amount of intellect for me to choose from, that Diana Spencer
wouldn't even make the list...

But unlike YOU, I do NOT value society's Barbie-doll definition of what
makes a woman 'valuable'...I find someone like Princess Anne, who day
after day does 'grunt work' for any number of charities, WITHOUT fanfare
and an entourage of reporters and photographers in tow, far more
'beautiful' than Diana Spencer could ever have hoped to have become...

I also think Princess Anne would make a far better monarch than her
younger brother...not that I believe there should be a monarchy at all,
but if the British insist on maintaining the anachronistic institution,
they at least should insist that the best qualified issue of the current
monarch assume the throne on her demise...

And thereby lies the explanation of the whole 'Diana phenomenon'...IF
there wasn't a monarchy, no one would have even heard of her...she would
have been just some school teacher who spent her spare time getting her
hair and nails done and going to discos at night....hardly the icon of
humanitarianism, even on a limited local level...

And if she had been as 'plain' as, say, Camilla Parker, she'd never have
become the darling of the media she allowed herself to become...


           It is not enough that yearly, down this hill, April
           Comes like an idiot, babbling and strewing flowers.

                  -- Edna St. Vincent Mallay:  Spring
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