-Caveat Lector-

    If Joe and Steve pay $1 in taxes, their burden is EQUAL.
    The Government REQUIRING Joe and Steve pay $1
     in taxes is EQUITABLE.
    If Joe pays $1 and Steve pays $2, their burden is UNequal.
    The Government REQUIRING Joe to pay $1 and Steve
     pay $2 in taxes is INequitable.
   Taking your example above, if Joe earns 1 thousand dollars
   a year and Steve earns 1 million dollars a year, yet both are
   required to pay $1 in taxes, how do you find that to be equitable?
The Government is requiring them to pay the same -- income
has no bearing.
What does equity in taxation have to do with income?  Wealth?

Joe and Steve go to Goldi's Diner for a piece of pie.  Should
Steve pay MORE for the pie than Joe?  Should Joe pay MORE
than Steve?

    Also, how do you propose it should be handled if Joe doesn't
    have the $1 to pay?  I'm curious...
What happens NOW?

Thew's Tax Charity would aid Joe in meeting his fair share of
taxes (which would necessarily be low -- approaching zero ... while
an abundance of wealth would necessarily exist -- making those in
Joe's situation necessarily few).


Probably not many realize how the rapid centralization of government
in America has fostered a kind of organized pauperism.  The big
industrial states contribute most of the Federal revenues and the
bureaucracy distributes it in the pauper states wherever it will do
the most good in a political way.  The same thing takes place within
the states themselves.  In fostering pauperism it also by necessary
consequence fosters corruption.  ... All this is due to the iniquitous
theory of taxation with which this country has been so thoroughly
indoctrinated -- that a man should be taxed according to his ability
to pay, instead of according to the value of the privileges he obtains
from government.  -- Albert Jay Nock

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