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*NEW* The Roots of Conspiracy Denial: a review of Daniel Pipes'

The Roots of Conspiracy Denial

A review of Daniel Pipes' "Conspiracy: how the paranoid style flourishes and
where it comes from"

By Jerry Russell and Richard Stanley

Many historical conspiracies (starting with the murder of Julius Caesar) are
widely accepted facts. When it comes to current or ongoing conspiracies,
however, we are much more likely to find that the predominant view is set
by the conspiracy naysayers.  These are social commentators of various ilk,
ranging from network news anchors to public relations spin doctors to bar
stool jockeys. Daniel Pipes' 1997 book "Conspiracy: how the paranoid style
flourishes and where it comes from" is a prime example of the naysayer's
art, and yet (as we shall see) Pipes is also very good at promoting
"conspiracy theories" when it suits his purposes.

The Swiss army knife in the naysayer’s toolbox is the skillful exploitation of
the persona of the public.  In a Jungian view: every individual maintains a
vital defense mechanism called the persona,  which is their constructed
image or facade which is presented to the world. The persona is not so
much a self-consciously aware construct, but rather it is built up and
internalized throughout the process of socialization during childhood.

In American culture, the persona includes a strong conviction that we are
surrounded by people with benign intentions -- and that by joining
enthusiastically in the American consumer culture, we are ourselves
participating in an expression of the best of human aspirations. We are
deeply convinced, as part of our social make-up, that our culture
represents the highest flowering of justice and democracy. Of course, this
psychological construct is continuously fortified by educational
institutions, employers and the corporate media.

The persona also includes an inbred social desire to belong to the
currently favored social clique. By adhering to the conventional wisdom,
anyone can leverage or protect their position in society, whether this be
in elementary school playgrounds, in a corporation, or at the heights of
governance. By contrast, anyone who draws attention to wrongful acts
within society, is acting as a cassandra or alarmist -- and risks a punishment
proportional to the severity of the disconnect between the persona and
the reality.

The ideas that emerge from the conspiracy literature -- that government is
not always good but rather might be murderous and evil, that our society
is to some extent based in trickery and deceit, causing pain and suffering
around the world -- represent deep attacks on our own conception of
ourselves. In Jungian terms, these are part of the shadow world, the
deeply repressed, unconscious archetypes of evil.  The conspiracy
literature is not approached with normal cognitive facilities of critical
evaluation, but rather it is attacked (if it is confronted at all) almost as a
form of pornography, a tool of the Devil himself.

Daniel Pipes: Common Sense turned on its head.  Daniel Pipes' book is best
interpreted as an exquisitely crafted appeal to the deep-seated
psychological prejudices in the persona of his readers. Remarkably, Pipes
frames the topic of "conspiracy theory" so that, by definition, his
opponents must be, essentially, wacko. In an Orwellian semantic reversal,
Pipes writes (p.21):

 "A conspiracy theory is the fear of a nonexistent conspiracy. Conspiracy
refers to an act, conspiracy theory to a perception. While the first is an
old term, dating to Middle English, the latter goes back only some

In a footnote, Pipes adds that a German term Verschworungsmythos,
meaning "myth of conspiracy" is much more explanatory. However,  he
cannot bring himself to use this straightforward terminology in English,
although it works just as well as in German. Pipes ignores the fact that the
word "theory" is in itself quite neutral, as in "the theory of gravity" or "the
theory of relativity", a scientific description of a thought process that may
be quite accurate and factually based. In fact, as hinted at by Pipes, it's
highly likely that the pejorative use of the term "conspiracy theory" dates
back to the controversies over the murder of John Kennedy and other
liberal political figures of the '60s, when the term was hi-jacked and
abused by media apologists for the mythical "lone nut" theories promoted
by the FBI and other Federal agencies.

At any rate, the pejorative use of the term "conspiracy theory" is now
widely accepted. My recommendation is that activists avoid the term, or
else use it only in Pipes' sense -- such as the following expression of my
own belief: "The myth of Islamic responsibility for 9-11 is a fraudulent
conspiracy theory promoted by corporate media shills and the US

Pipes admits that conspiracies do occur, and have at times played an
important role in history. He also states that there is a vast literature
concerning conspiracies and their historical importance, and states that
the quality of this literature varies widely, from tabloids and hysterical
mimeographed handouts to highly scholarly and encyclopedic efforts by
the most eminent scholars. Nevertheless, when it comes to determining
the factual validity and historical effect of a conspiracy, Pipes recommends
that the primary tools should be "Common Sense" and "A Knowledge of
History" (pp. 38-39). In practical terms, this means accepting as axiomatic
that "Catholics, Jews and Democrats do not use such methods" (that is,
White Folks Like Us can never commit conspiracy, especially not if
homicide is involved) and that "killings that make sense in Moscow do not
in Washington".

In other words, rather than relying on factual analysis, Pipes asks that we
enshrine our own parochial prejudices as the supreme and ultimate basis
for judgment. Of course, Pipes' prejudices lead to a wholesale rejection of
the real importance of many historical conspiracies which he summarily
dismisses as fictional.

Other conspiracies (such as the Illuminati) are admitted to be factually
based, yet Pipes avoids any analysis of their real significance. He can only
approach this literature with his hand firmly placed holding his nose: "I
deal not with the cultural elite but its rearguard, not with the finest
mental creations but its dregs.... conspiracist writings constitute a quite
literal form of pornography (although political rather than sexual)." (p. 49)

To his credit, Pipes does suggests some valid criteria for assessment of the
conspiracy literature; for example, he shows that some analysts rely too
heavily on forged documents, or that they dismiss contradictory evidence,
or have a cavalier attitude towards the facts. Unfortunately, these valid
criteria are applied only sporadically in Pipes' survey of the literature.
Furthermore, as Pipes points out -- a sense of perspective is often lacking
in studies of conspiracy, which fail to acknowledge their place in a broad
tradition. Pipes' survey is something of an antidote to this problem,
although seriously marred by his overt ideological bias.

Because of Pipes' presumptions, some of the most interesting conspiracies
in recent history get very short shrift. His analysis of the assassination of
John F. Kennedy is remarkably inadequate. Pipes notes that public opinion
polls show that Americans overwhelmingly believe that Kennedy was killed
by a conspiracy (in fact, a recent CBS poll shows that only 10% believe the
Warren Commission conclusion that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone, and
only 13% are convinced that the government is innocent of perpetrating a
cover-up.) Pipes rejects the conspiracy model on the grounds of Occam's
razor: the assassination and cover-up would have required too many
participants in his view. He also notes that conspiracists argue that the CIA
was active in suppressing evidence, a charge which he argues is simply bad
logic: "piling on conspiracy theories" and "dismissing contradictory
evidence"(p.41). Pipes agreeably quotes the analysis of Gerald Posner: that
the enduring interest of the public in the JFK assassination is ultimately
driven by a simple, vulgar profit motive, as conspiracy theorists make
money by selling videtapes, memorabilia and books.  "The JFK murder has,
regrettably, become an entertainment business," said Posner, who also
contributed a ringing endorsement for the back cover of Pipes' book.

Unfortunately for Pipes, the Warren Commission account of the Kennedy
assassination also has serious problems with Occam's Razor. As noted by
Michael T. Griffith, the Lone Nut Theory relies on the "magic bullet":

the same 6.5 mm metal-jacketed Carcano bullet which supposedly hit
Kennedy in the back of the neck exited his throat, struck Governor John
Connally in the back, tore through his chest, transited his wrist, and
ended up in his thigh, causing all of Connally's extensive wounds, to
include the smashing of a rib bone and the shattering of the radius bone in
the governor's right wrist, and yet emerged in nearly pristine condition to
be found at Parkland Hospital shortly after the President was pronounced

Obviously Occam cries out for a simpler explanation, that more than one
bullet caused the damage.

Pipes also notes that literally thousands of books have been written on the
JFK assassination; of those, only a very few diehards still remain, who
advocate the Lone Nut Theory.  Gerald Posner is perhaps the most notable
recent advocate of the Lone Nut. Because Posner's 1993 book "Case
Closed" attracted a great deal of favorable media attention, the JFK
"conspiracy buffs" have carefully examined his work.  At the "assassination
web" site, editor David Starks has gathered a fusillade of critical reviews. As
Starks notes, these reviews exhaustively demonstrate that Posner's work
"overflows with mistakes, distortions, selective presentation of evidence
and surprising misrepresentations."  Stark also notes that various reviewers
have discovered that "Several people Mr. Posner claimed to have
interviewed say they never spoke to him."

Stark furthermore notes that:

At the end of Case Closed, Posner acknowledges help from Peter Earnest
(who is listed as "the chief of the CIA's Office of Public and Agency
Information"). Mr. Earnest was described by Posner as being "very generous
in his assistance."

Which raises the interesting possibility that the flaws in Posner's book may
be related to this "generous assistance" whose nature is not otherwise

Another well-known advocate of the Lone Nut Theory is John MacAdams,
whose abusive behavior and covert activities are documented at the
MacAdams FAQ page, while his analytical absurdities are exposed by
Michael T. Griffith at his excellent web site.

So Pipes' examination of recent American conspiracies is not only brief,
but also bogus. However, the book does include an interesting analysis of
the role of paranoid conspiracy myths under Hitler and Stalin. Pipes
showed that Hitler began with a crude model of Jewish conspiracy as
promulgated by the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" and undertook to
convince the German people that every Jew in the land was equally
responsible for the calumnies described there; while at the same time,
Hitler himself was at the center of a small secret society of psychopathic
individuals who were busily implementing an exact replica of the evil plan
described in the Protocols. Yet even regarding this remarkable set of
circumstances, Pipes' analysis is strangely myopic. He ascribes the paradox
to a simple ironic effect, that individuals who believe in the power of
conspiracies, are likely to want to apply that power to their own projects.
There is no discussion of the probability that the occult secret societies
essentially created Hitler (rather than the other way around), nor any
acknowledgement of the crucial role of American high finance.  Any
serious analysis of the curious, well-documented collaboration of the
Zionists and Nazis in pursuit of a hidden agenda, would also cause
difficulties for Pipes' oversimplified view of the Hitler regime.

The naysayer himself is a conspiracist: Since Pipes is so well aware of the
problems relating to fraudulent conspiracy theories, it is indeed strange to
find that he is himself one of the foremost proponents of a conspiracy
theory that militant Islamics intend to destroy the United States. As Justin
Raimondo notes in his column of Nov. 14, 2001, "it is in Pipes that the anti-
Islamist ideology takes on its purest, most extreme form." Raimondo points
to an interview with Pipes by Salon Magazine in which Pipes accuses that
the Islamic public relations group CAIR (Committee for American Islamic
Relations) is part of a subversive conspiracy to replace US law with Islamic
Sharia law, and bring Islamic fundamentalist fascism to power in the US. He
admits that CAIR has never publicly advocated any such thing, but claims
nevertheless that he can "sense" their secret motivations. Raimondo rightly
chides Pipes for his attempts at clairvoyance.

But Pipes' feud with CAIR has apparently been going on for years. For the
most part, Pipes' arguments are a pastiche of unproven accusations and
second-hand gossip. The centerpiece of Pipes' case against CAIR is this
article from the San Ramon Valley Herald July 4, 1998, where Omar M.
Ahmad (CAIR's board chairman) is quoted as saying:

"Islam isn't in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become
dominant, " he said. "The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be
the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on
Earth," he said.

While this statement proves that Ahmad is no ecumenical religious liberal,
there is still a difference between evangelical advocacy of a religion, and
utter authoritarian fascism. For whatever it's worth, CAIR disputes whether
Ahmad's remarks were correctly reported (although their denial is perhaps
somewhat Clintonesque.) At CAIR's web page, the following statement
appears to explicitly reject a militarily aggressive or fascist interpretation
of Islam:

"Jihad" does not mean "holy war." Literally, jihad means to strive, struggle
and exert effort. It is a central and broad Islamic concept that includes
struggle against evil inclinations within oneself, struggle to improve the
quality of life in society, struggle in the battlefield for self-defense (e.g., -
having a standing army for national defense), or fighting against tyranny or

Pipes fails to address this (or any other) exculpatory evidence, but persists
in his belief that CAIR is a vital component of an internationalist
conspiracy. An immensely worse failing is that Pipes extends his
unsupported conspiracy theory to embrace Islamic mosques in America,
most or all of America's major universities, and ultimately to all American
Islamics. In a post-9/11 editorial in the City Journal, with the Orwellian title
"Fighting Militant Islam -- Without Bias", Pipes argues (without any basis
whatsoever, certainly not from any public opinion polling) that "From 10 to
15 percent of the millions of Muslims in America are Islamist radicals."
Furthermore, Pipes goes on to argue that "Individual Islamists may appear
law-abiding and reasonable, but they are part of a totalitarian movement,
and as such, all must be considered potential killers." Imagine if the same
sort of syllogism were applied to some other ethnic group: for example,
"David Duke and his followers are white supremacist fascists; individual
Whites may appear law-abiding and reasonable, but all must be considered
potential killers???"

Of course, conspiracy theories are at the heart of George Bush's case for
war in Iraq. The conspiracy to destroy the World Trade Center (itself a
matter of serious controversy) is melded seamlessly with the Anthrax
letters (a proven hoax, clearly meant as a frame-up of Arab-Americans).
Bush repeatedly names Saddam Hussein himself as a co-conspirator in
terrorism, until many Americans start to believe Saddam was responsible
for 9-11 as well (in spite of the complete absence of evidence).  Pipes
functions in the role of providing pseudo-academic support and depth for
this government policy.

In Conspiracy (pp. 179-180), Pipes wrote:

Conspiracy theories very often provide a reason, truly believed or
conveniently manufactured, for an aggressor to take up arms....
Conspiracism also creates a bellicose climate that primes populations for
war and can create an illusion of strength conducive to war.... Conspiracy
theories have a key role in developing murderous instincts, whether in
every step of preparing and carrying out mass murder (as in the Nazi
slaughter of Jews, Slavs and others) or only indirectly present (as in the
Japanese murderousness during World War II). Conspiracism deprives the
accused of their humanity and makes them vulnerable to elimination as
though an unwanted pest. The killing fields begin by turning citizens into
saboteurs, counterrevolutionaries, and spies, and then go on to make
them into vermin, dogs, bacteria, or just "garbage".  No other set of ideas
so thoroughly turns neighbors into enemies worthy of extermination.
Without such a view of victims, it is difficult to incite cadres to carry out
atrocity after atrocity.

It is important in this context to make a distinction between conspiracies
involving small numbers of elite, wealthy individuals, and conspiracy
theories which indict whole races and creeds. It is only the latter type of
conspiracy theory which has the poisonous effects Pipes describes so

Broad masses of people cannot "conspire" together. However, if they are
openly assaulted by fear-mongering and hate, in the media or in the
churches, they can be reluctantly cajoled into supporting the murderous
policies of government. "Jews" do not conspire, but Zionist leaders might.
"Americans" as a whole are not naturally war- mongers, but the Bush
Administration is, and the media is doing its best to encourage a war

Pipes is completely blind to the poisonous power of his conspiracy-
mongering and his promulgation of suspicion and hate against all Islamic
people. The very best we can say about Pipes is that he seems to be a
dupe, a spoke in a hub-and-wheel conspiracy promulgated by the US
government in its attempts to prepare Americans for a genocidal war
against Islam.

Could it be that Pipes' persona is so strongly constructed, and his shadow
is so solidly repressed, that he unaware of this deep self- contradiction?
Or is some deeper psychopathy in operation here, as Pipes tunes his
fraudulent message to the psychological prejudices of his readers? This is
the enigma which we ultimately confront in our attempt to understand
Daniel Pipes and his virulent and paradoxical combination of conspiracism
and conspiracy denial.
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"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do
not believe simply because it has been handed down for many genera-
tions.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and
rumoured by many.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is
written in Holy Scriptures.  Do not believe in anything merely on
the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it." The Buddha on Belief,
from the Kalama Sutra

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