-Caveat Lector-

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Journal of Trauma & Dissociation: "Preschoolers' memory for threatening information depends on trauma history and attentional context: Implications for the development of dissociation" by K.A. Becker-Blease, J.J. Freyd, &K.C. Pears, K.C. "Contrary to prediction, children with relatively high dissociation scores did not differ in their memory for charged and neutral pictures under divided attention when compared to children with low dissociation scores.  Consistent with predictions, under divided attention, abused children remembered fewer charged pictures relative to non-abused children. The same pattern was found when comparing abused children with high dissociation scores to non-abused children with low dissociation scores.  These results are consistent with the idea that some traumatized people use divided attention to keep threatening information out of awareness." Jennifer Freyd, an investigator in both research studies, is Professor of Cognitive Psychology at the University of Oregon; 1227 University of Oregon Eugene, OR 97403-1227; email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Forgetting Trauma Stimuli - Anne P. DePrince University of Denver Jennifer J. Freyd University of Oregon This is a preprint of an Article accepted for publication in Psychological Science c 2003 American Psychological Society - Anne P. DePrince, Ph.D. Department of Psychology 2155 S. Race Street Denver, CO 80208 [EMAIL PROTECTED] "The high dissociator group reported significantly more trauma, including high betrayal events, than low dissociators. Further, the dissociation by word category interaction was present when we looked only at those participants who reported a betrayal trauma history. This pattern is consistent with betrayal trauma theory's prediction that individuals who experience events high in betrayal will use dissociation to keep threatening information from awareness."

this may be very heavy for survivors

>From mparent
Tanzania fights human skinning 7/4/03 "The head of the forensic science division in the chief chemist's office, which is exhibiting the parts, Gloria Machube, told the BBC's Focus on Africa programme that the human skin is used in witchcraft." http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/3045738.stm

Sex Slavery Scandal Rattles Montenegro By Misha Savic Ap 7/7/03 Podgorica, Serbia-Montenegro  "Respected local newspapers reported that politicians and other members of Montenegro's ruling elite frequented the brothel and took part in orgies at which women were tortured. The republic's top lawman, state prosecutor Bozidar Vukcevic, was assailed with calls for his resignation for allegedly using his own car to transport captive women....the case was dropped by another prosecutor, who said there was a lack of evidence and inconclusive witness statements. The move has touched off widespread talk of a cover-up, and the United States, United Nations, Amnesty International and European security organizations have accused Montenegrin authorities of tolerating sexual slavery and human trafficking. Of the estimated 700,000 women transported across international borders for the sex trade each year, as many as 200,000 are taken to or through the Balkans, according to recent statistics compiled by international agencies." http://www.newsday.com/news/nationworld/wire/sns-ap-svetlanas-secret,0,2357483.story?coll=sns-ap-nationworld-headlines

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