-Caveat Lector-

----- Original Message -----
From: RicK Rozoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2003 6:46 PM
Subject: Guantanamo: Australian Al-Qaeda Militant Ex 'Freedom Fighter' In
Kosovo, Kashmir

> http://www.ptd.net/webnews/wed/bs/Qaustralia-attacks-us.RnsH_Dl8.html
> [Note: The second feature, below, is from a
> transparently Ustashe Internet site [see:
> http://www.cfiva.org/cfiva/home/index.cfm?CFID=345918&CFTOKEN=99319605]
> and is only reproduced because it says more than it
> intends to, both about David Hicks' involvement in
> Kosovo and the Indian state of Kashmir and about the
> close - inseparable - ties between the neo-Ustashe in
> Croatia and the so-called Kosovo Liberation Army in
> Serbia.]
> Australian held by US military was trained by
> al-Qaeda, PM reveals
> SYDNEY, July 8 (AFP) - Australian-born Taliban fighter
> David Hicks, who is now in US military detention, has
> admitted training with the al-Qaeda terrorist network,
> Prime Minister John Howard revealed for the first time
> Tuesday.
> Howard's disclosure came as US lawyers protested that
> Hicks will not receive a fair trial by a US military
> tribunal because he is being denied proper access to
> legal representation.
> The 27-year-old former Adelaide poultry process worker
> has been held by the US military at Guantanamo Bay,
> Cuba, since he was captured fighting with the Taliban
> by US forces in Afghanistan in November, 2001.
> Hicks' lawyers have conceded he was a Taliban fighter
> but denied persistent allegations he had links to
> al-Qaeda.
> But Howard said the government was satisfied that
> Hicks would receive a fair trial and that he was
> linked to al-Qaeda.
> "What is not an allegation, because the man in
> question has admitted it, is that he trained with
> al-Qaeda," Howard told ABC radio when asked about
> Hicks.
> Howard said the government had lengthy discussions
> with US officials about the case and was satisfied
> that Hicks would receive a fair hearing, that the
> presumption of innocence would prevail and that there
> would be access to lawyers.
> One of Hicks' Adelaide-based lawyers, Frank Camatta,
> said he was shocked by the prime minister's comments.
> "It's a total surprise to us," he said.
> "We have no basis to understand that to be the case.
> Maybe the prime minister has had access to briefings
> from the security services.
> "We would have been very pleased to have been told
> that, rather than hear it through the media. Why he
> would say that without at least letting the family
> know is disappointing."
> Hicks was named by the US administration last week as
> one of an initial group of six detainees eligible to
> be tried by a US military tribunal, although no date
> has been set for a hearing and no charge has yet been
> laid.
> His family has appointed a civilian legal team,
> although his lawyers say he is being denied the usual
> confidentiality between lawyer and client, which is a
> basic tenet of legal representation, and without which
> they say it would be virtually impossible for him to
> receive a fair trial.
> Hicks' US-based lawyer Joseph Margulies said there was
> scant chance of a fair trial.
> "They would never countenance these kinds of
> proceedings in an Australian court," Margulies told
> ABC radio.
> "One of the real problems with the tribunal is that it
> is not transparent. We may never shed light on that
> dark corner."
> US National Association of Criminal Defence Lawyers
> (NACDL) president Lawrence Goldman said the military
> court was likely to be biased because the judges, who
> would probably be senior officers would find it
> difficult to acquit someone whom the president of the
> United States has recommended for trial.
> "I would not walk into these trials as a defence
> lawyer with the confidence that my client would get a
> fair shake," he said.
> Al-Qaeda expert Rohan Gunaratna, who has written
> extensively about Osama bin Laden's terrorist network
> and who initially described Hicks as a "small fry" in
> the terror organisation, now believes he was more than
> a foot soldier.
> "There is more recent information to indicate that he
> has undergone more advanced and more specialised
> training," Gunaratna told The Australian newspaper.
> ------------------------------------------------------
> http://www.cfiva.org/cfiva/news/index.cfm?fuseaction=showItem&newsID=13
> Croatian Forces International Volunteers Association
> CFIVA News
> Thursday, August 1, 2002
> David Hicks training with the UCK prior to joining the
> Taliban
> -The details of his service in Kosova [sic] come to us
> direct from the UCK and are as follows:
> He joined a group of the UCK circa February 1999. He
> was accommodated at one of three UCK training camps in
> the Tropolje area in Albania for six weeks. He was
> moved to another UCK training camp as a prospective
> instructor after he made exaggerated claims about
> being in the Australian Army.
> -[H]e was placed on active duty near the border town
> of Kukes with 139 Brigade, commanded by Radimas
> Beshim.
> -He was demobilised in June 1999, went back to the
> Albanian capital Tirana where the UCK purchased an
> aeroplane ticket for the Islamic Republic of Iran (via
> Germany) at Hicks' own request.
> -He returned to Australia in late 1999 and claimed to
> have been through six weeks training, boasted he had
> been in the trenches, killed a few Serbs....
> -The Australian government says he...went to Pakistan
> and trained with the militant Islamic group
> Lashkar-i-Taiba who are fighting in the Kashmir region
> against the Indian Army. This group is believed to
> have links with Al-Qa'eda and Osama Bin Laden.
> -[H]icks has been blacklisted by CFIVA for bringing
> the international volunteer movement [sic] in Kosova
> into disrepute.
> More On Terrorist Suspect Hicks - On 1st August the
> Australian ex-volunteer failed to obtain a trial.
> American judges ruled that because he was being held
> at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, United States civilian courts
> had no jurisdiction. He therefore remains indefinitely
> detained without trial.
> The case of Hicks is already being widely mis-reported
> as international journalists studiously avoid checking
> their information with other sources. Under the
> ridiculous label "Soldier of Fortune," CNN state that
> Hicks converted to Islam whilst fighting with the UCK
> in "Bosnia" (huh??) and mis-labelled a grainy
> photograph of Hicks taken in Albania in 1999 as being
> in "Bosnia." We can categorically state that Hicks
> never served in BiH.
> He surrendered to Northern Alliance forces in
> Afghanistan on 9th December 2001 near the Tora Bora
> caves complex used by Al-Qa'eda. He has no criminal
> record nor was he involved in any military activity
> prior to Kosova. In early 1999 he approached Channel 7
> wanting to sell a story about fighting as a mercenary
> in South Africa or Afghanistan.
> The details of his service in Kosova comes to us
> direct from the UCK and are as follows:
> He joined a group of the UCK circa February 1999. He
> was accommodated at one of three UCK training camps in
> the Tropolje area in Albania for six weeks. He was
> moved to another UCK training camp as a prospective
> instructor after he made exaggerated claims about
> being in the Australian Army. He had no previous
> military experience whatsoever. It soon became
> apparent these assertions were false and his claims
> were widely dismissed by the UCK. Nevertheless he was
> placed on active duty near the border town of Kukes
> with 139 Brigade, commanded by Radimas Beshim. His
> incompetence soon came to notice and he was relegated
> to a training camp away from the border. He was given
> a second chance and rejoined the brigade in Kukes but
> still couldn't manage (remember, the UCK itself was a
> largely untrained citizen army) so he was relegated
> again to a training camp and effectively kept out of
> the way. After NATO troops entered Kosova Hicks did
> not accompany any UCK units into the province. He was
> demobilised in June 1999, went back to the Albanian
> capital Tirana where the UCK purchased an aeroplane
> ticket for the Islamic Republic of Iran (via Germany)
> at Hicks' own request. The Kosovan authorities have
> heard nothing from him since. He was in Albania for no
> more than 14-16 weeks and never entered Kosova.
> Hicks was not a mercenary. He was legally recruited
> into a legitimate armed force and at all times abided
> by the terms and conditions of the Geneva Conventions.
> CFIVA can confirm that Hicks was never paid more than
> that of a private soldier of the UCK, if at all.
> Note: It was usual for the UCK to reward its
> international volunteers with their passage home, as a
> gesture of thanks.
> He returned to Australia in late 1999 and claimed to
> have been through six weeks training, boasted he had
> been in the trenches, killed a few Serbs and had seen
> a few of his comrades killed. The last two points are
> a mild exaggeration but have neither been proven or
> disproved.
> Upon his return to Australia (not Bosnia)he converted
> to Islam and took the name Mohammed Dawood. He was
> attending a mosque several times a week but in
> November 1999 spoke of going to Pakistan to increase
> his knowledge of Islam. Within a week or two he had
> left the country.
> The Australian government says he then went to
> Pakistan and trained with the militant Islamic group
> Lashkar-i-Taiba who are fighting in the Kashmir region
> against the Indian Army. This group is believed to
> have links with Al-Qa'eda and Osama Bin Laden.
> The Americans say he entered Afghanistan in late 2000
> and undertook "extensive" training with Al-Qa'eda. He
> telephoned his family on September 28th to say he was
> fighting for the Taliban.
> After his capture, he was handed over to US Special
> Forces and transferred via the USS Peleliu to the
> detention camp at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Two other
> white Australians are also being held there. The US
> say they will hand him over to the Australian
> authorities if it can be promised that Hicks will be
> dealt with severely. He could be charged with treason
> and murder if he is connected to the WTC attacks in
> New York on September 11th. He could also be charged
> under the Foreign Incursions Act, which carries a 14
> year sentence for "hostile activities in foreign
> countries." Needless to say Serb websites have been
> doing overtime on this one.
> Apparently Hicks has now hoodwinked gullible
> interrogators into believing he was a "relatively
> senior member of Al-Qaeda." true to form, Hicks
> completely fails to comprehend the seriousness of his
> situation. Nobody of course has bothered to check
> Hicks' past with the Kosovan authorities. Regardless
> of whether he is found guilty of the charges levelled
> against him, Hicks has been blacklisted by CFIVA for
> bringing the international volunteer movement in
> Kosova into disrepute.
> The Secretary
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