-Caveat Lector-
If you've got a problem with the article, take it up with Sheila Samples, the author.
I don't agree with the full content of every article I post, or even with the main content, but I do think this was an interesting article.
George Bush Senior and his circle for the most part despise the neocons (and the PNAC), and the neocons despise them.  The first group is Eurocentric and Atlanticist in its outlook, the latter Israelcentric and fanatically Zionist.  From the standpoint of Bush Senior, it must feel like his son was brainwashed and hijacked by the enemy.  He is bitterly disappointed by the behavior of his son, especially with regard to the disastrous Iraq War.
A mountain of documentation has been posted by me and others analyzing this major rift within the power elite.  You should make an effort to study it sometime.  No real expert on global power elite politics would be ignorant of these basic facts of life.
There is much more to global power elite politics than Skull & Bones -- S&B is just one piece of the puzzle, and not necessarily the most important piece.
Your one-trick pony routine with Skull & Bones makes it appear sometimes like you are participating in a cover-up operation on behalf of the other major players.  It certainly undermines the strength of your analysis when you are trying to figure out something like the Iraq War and PNAC plans for World War IV.
Michael Ruppert fell into the same trap by putting too much emphasis on the oil industry in explaining Bush's Iraq policy.  After the war, with pipelines being sabotaged on a regular basis, we now understand why it is that so many oil industry leaders opposed the war.
Bush II is being driven by Zionist ideological fanatics, not by pragmatists.  The big story in power elite politics these days is the secret civil war between the ideologues and the pragmatists.  If you've been paying attention, you will have noticed that the ideologues are beginning to run into a few problems in recent months.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, December 06, 2003 2:19 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Dubya - The Perfect PNAC Presidential Puppet (Sheila Samples)

-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 12/6/03 9:04:37 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

PNAC, mostly a crusty, flinty-hearted gaggle of Iran-Contra perps such as Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Jeb Bush, Richard Perle, Bill Kristol and Lewis Libby, knew they would likely get but one shot at achieving world domination. The only thing lacking was a candidate who was impervious to human pain and suffering, and who viewed most constitutional laws and regulations as ploys of the vulnerable to set road blocks to progress. They needed a candidate whose lust for power and thirst for blood matched their own. When they looked around for an accomplice or, better yet, a puppet, to start the empirical ball rolling, it was only natural to consider the Brothers Bush.

Yeah, it all begins with those guys, they are the bad guys, just forget about a hundred plus years of documentable historical corruption, manipulation and psy-war war directed at us hoi polloi and it wasn't those guys that got Bush in power.

Your current approach is very "endearing," McFraud.


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