-Caveat Lector-

BRITISH GM FRANKENFOOD WARS - getting down to basics,
by Andrew Hennessey

BBC NEWS 24 announced tonight that the Nuffield Foundation think tank
pronounce GM Foods safe to eat. The feature says that GM foods has
been used in the USA for years, people don't care what they eat over there,
because its all safe and farmers couldn't in all conscience feed us
poison. The american public says BBC news24 is far too busy with
real concerns about money, working and choice to be bothered about
delicious and nutritious GM food.
Meanwhile the runaway GM crop causing a health epidemic near Edinburgh
is allegedly killing 75% of all bees that carry its pollen. Estate workers at
Roslin have allegedly been threatened into silence, and campaigners are
starting to protest about the disease caused by this runaway crop.
The crop at Roslin is a Terminator type - allegedly with mammal and insect DNA
meanwhile Dr Pushti, the Hungarian Research Biologist who broke the news
of the ill effects of GM food, is currently 'in hiding' in Norway, being
unable to re-enter Britain for some reason to present his corroborated
research to the public that clearly illustrates the danger of these foods.
Tony Blair meantime has been seen happily spoonfeeding a trusted confederate
some GM mush in front of the cameras.
Local organised groups in the Edinburgh area are currently conducting
scientific and legal analysis of the horrific substances produced by
the mutant GM crop - including a survey to ascertain what proportion
of the very young and very old are affected.
Many people are coming out in hideous weals as their immune system
cannot deal with the air quality.

Calls for independent scientists in the fields of:

mass spectroscopy and SEM
respiratory medicine
DNA analysis

and any experts in the MAI Treaty and International Law.
There appear to be a large well organised group of campaigners,
plus many witnesses to the coercion taking place.
Local farmers in the area are being bought into silence with the threat
that they will lose subsidies, their mortgage and even their lives.
As yet no Official independent Trials to Government standards on GM crops
have been carried out - and even if they were, under the new UK Freedom of
act, members of the public can never have access now to the raw data.
The irony being that they could have before this new 'Freedom' was introduced.

Andrew Hennessey
Transformation Studies Group
Edinburgh    Scotland

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