-Caveat Lector-

    I know little about Icke, and from my distance, there is a third
alternative to why he may be doing this that wasn't mentioned:  maybe *he* is
part of a disinformation campaign.

    The writer states that multiples have perfect photographic memory.  This
is not true!  Even for multiples with a degree of photgraphic memory, the
person doesn't always have access to the memories of other personalities at
will.  Forgetfulness is more common with mutliples than with the non-multiple
population.  Blanket statements like this are wrong!

    The author states that his friend Patti may not be a good judge if AW is
telling the truth.  Why?  A survivor can peg a phoney a lot faster than a
non-survivor!  A person with a PhD in archeology can peg a phoney claiming to
be one faster than a lay person.  Knowledge, familiarity, experience.  Same
principle applies.

    I've been studying survivor issues for more than ten years.  I've met at
least a hundred survivors, both in person and on-line.  NEVER ONCE did I hear
the "reptilian thing" until reading Cathy O'Brien & Mark Phillips' book.  NOT
Think about it -- the worst and most secret thing evil people do is to
perform heinous rituals, take lives, torture children.  They don't want the
general population to KNOW this, or if they KNOW it, to believe it!  For it
to have power, it must be kept secret!

    Well, survivors are breaking memory boundaries left and right.  The
secret is out.  Now all that's left is to discredit their stories.  Easy
enough.  Tell the full truth about what survivors have experienced but add
EVEN ONE piece of phoney, wild, totally weird info into the mix, and wham!
NONE of the survivors are believed again.

    In all the books I've read on or about survivors of satanic ritual abuse
(by psychiatrists, therapists or survivors themselves) , and from all the
survivors I've met in person or on-line, NEVER ONCE has there been an
allegation of the "reptilian thing" ..... until you get to "Trance-formation
of America" by Mark Phillips and Cathy O'Brien.

    Read the book for yourselves -- borrow a copy from someone -- anything.
Ask yourself this question:  Exactly HOW did Mark Phillips make the
transition from the aloof-disinterested-disdainful businessman who knew Cathy
from contact with her former husband (and thought she was an unattractive
hick/airhead type) to the

    Even when I had no reason whatsoever to doubt the book's veracity -- even
before I read Cathy's account -- that transition didn't gel with me one bit.
Something deifinitely ain't right there, in my opinion.

    Much of Cathy's story rings true, and I think highly of her from what I
know.  I also feel deep compassion for her personally.  I think she's an
unwitting part of a disinformation ploy.  Mark was her rescuer.  He saved her
from what she perceived as certain death.  Of course she would bond with him!

    The rescuer scenario is played out effectively and often with children
victims of satanic ritual abuse.  It is impossible for a child NOT to bond
with the person who rescues them from torture and death, even though that
person is, in reality, just part of the overall mind-game.

    If the "rescuer" is part of the perpetrator op, then the perps control
the entire life of the victim, and the whole flow of information.  It is a
sick and dastardly thing to do to a survivor.  But then, satanic/intelligence
operatives have never been known for their overwhelming kindness ............


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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