-Caveat Lector-

Hi !

Below please find several URL's of possible interest.

Sincerely,   Neil Brick

This may be triggering for survivors of abuse.

Numerous articles on dissociation can be found at:


and http://www.trauma-pages.com/pg4.htm

excerpts from : http://wchat.on.ca/web/asarc/mpd.html

Child Abuse And Multiple Personality Disorder, Philip M. Coons, M.D.
Department of Psychiatry. Indiana University School of Medicine.
Indianapolis, IN 46223

The psychiatric syndrome of multiple personality is associated with an
extremely high incidence of physical and/or sexual abuse during childhood.
The abuse is usually severe, prolonged, and perpetrated by family members.
Multiple personality may be difficult to diagnose because of the subtlety of
the presenting symptoms. the patient's fear of being labeled crazy and the
clinician's mistaken belief that multiple personality is a rare condition.
Currently multiple personality is usually diagnosed in adults who are in
their late 20s or early 30s. The diagnosis of multiple personality in
children is even more difficult because of the subtlety of symptoms and the
ease with which these symptoms are confused with fantasy. Although
individuals with multiple personality do not usually abuse their own
children, the incidence of psychiatric disturbance in their children is high.
Multiple personality is much easier to treat if diagnosed early in childhood
or adolescence. Therefore, in order to decrease the morbidity of multiple
personality and decrease the psychiatric disturbance in children of multiple
personality parents, it behooves the clinician to become well acquainted with
the syndrome of multiple personality, to diagnose multiple personality as
early as possible, and to insure that the individual with multiple
personality obtains effective treatment

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