-Caveat Lector-

Hi !

Below please find information about the tunnels at McMartin.

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

excerpts from http://members.cruzio.com/~ratf/McMartIntro.html

Archaeological Investigations of the McMartin Preschool Site

Introduction by Santa Cruz Ritual Abuse Task Force

Have you heard of the McMartin case? Most people know something about the
story. In 1983, hundreds of kids disclosed to their parents and therapists
that they were abused at the prestigious McMartin Preschool in Manhattan
Beach, California. Seven people were arrest and charged with hundreds of
counts of child sexual abuse, setting off the longest and most expensive
trial in U.S. History (7 years-$20,000).

The defense claimed that the kids hadn't really been abused, but that their
memories were implanted by a conspiracy of witchhunting therapists. It was a
successful tactic and all of the accused were let go.

Well, the kids memories weren't implanted. Many of the kids consistently
talked about tunnels under the pre-school where they were taken, sexually
abused, and witnessed terrifying events such as animals being killed. The
defense called these accusations "bizarre" and claimed they were proof that
the children were wrong.

But the truth is that the tunnels are there. In fact they are more than just
there. The tunnels are extensive, include a large room just as the children
said, and lead to further sites off the property. The tunnels were found in
an archeological dig under the pre-school conducted by Dr. E. Gary Stickel,
archaeologist and director of Environmental Research Archaeologists, a
Scientific Consortium.

You probably haven't heard of these tunnels. Debbie Nathan, a journalist who
made her career by ridiculing evidence of ritual abuse, ignored the
archeological investigation entirely in her in her book Satan's Silence which
talked extensively about the McMartin case. HBO's television movie
Indictment: The McMartin Trial portrays the entire community as hysterical
with no mention that the tunnels were found. The False Memory Syndrome
Foundation Newsletter has claimed outright that no tunnels were ever
uncovered, even though members of the board of directors have copies of the
full report.

During the month of May 1990 an archaeological project was conducted at the
McMartin Preschool site to determine, once and for all, whether or not there
had ever been tunnels under the building, as described by various children.
Excavation was carried out according to established scientific conventions
with a careful research design defining what might prove or disprove the
existence of "an underground feature that would connect to the surface of the
site and extend underground for some distance. " [with] dimensions large
enough to accommodate adult human movement through it". (p. 24)

The project unearthed not one but two tunnel complexes as well as previously
unrecognized structural features which defied logical explanation. Both
tunnel complexes conformed to locations and functional descriptions
established by children's reports. One had been described as providing
undetected access to an adjacent building on the east. The other provided
outside access under the west wall of the building and contained within it an
enlarged, cavernous artifact corresponding to children's descriptions of a
"secret room".

Both the contour signature of the walls and the nature of recovered artifacts
indicated that the tunnels had been dug by hand under the concrete slab floor
after the construction of the building. Whatever the purpose of this
elaborate enterprise, even more effort must have been devoted to filling the
tunnels back in and trying to conceal any evidence of their existence. Much
of the fill dirt used for packing the tunnel spaces was mixed with historic
debris, as if to mimic the surrounding terrain.

Not only did the discovered features fulfill the research prequalifications
as tunnels designed for human traffic, there was also no alternative or
natural explanation for the presence of such features.

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