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From:                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date sent:              Thu, 4 Nov 1999 08:41:49 EST
To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Subject:                [starfriends] Mind Chemtrol From The Sky?

This morning Art Bell had a guest on his show named William Thomas.  He is a
chemtrail investigator who lives in Aspen, Colorado.  At one point in the
chilling discussion, Thomas said he'd received an e-mail from a man who said
he was a former NOAA (National Ocean and Atmospheric Agency?) pilot.  This
man wrote that, in retrospect, at the beginning of the chemtrail mystery that
the "happy faces" of the meteorologists who had until that time been his
passengers were suddenly replaced by dour, unsmiling and non talkative
"meteorologists" and that the take off and landing weights of his planes
suddenly did not correspond anymore with the amount of fuel used, meaning
that something besides fuel was lost during those flights.

This pilot intimated that the chemtrails are really a CIA mind kontrol
operation, the purpose of which is to make the sprayed populations confused,
depressed, a bit sick and enervated and thereby submissive and lacking
crucial analytic capacities.  Stated purpose?  To kontrol targeted populations
 by making them more likely to be subservient to government officials during
Y2K confusion and/or martial law.  In addition, this is happening all around
the world now.

But in Amerika, Mr. Thomas stated that he believed forestry service planes
had been moved out of that service and into the production of chemtrails
which resulted in prolonged wildfires in the West this past summer due to the
resulting lack of equipment to fight those fires from the sky.

We must never forget that this chemtrail spraying is apparently NOT a part of
some new directive!  This kind of spraying has been going on in various modes
now for over 50 years.

This is all so damned mind boggling that I feel like I'm in a dream, like I'm
in the twilight zone, like my country has been stolen away while I slept.

Mr. Thomas' website can be found at http://www.islandnet.com/~wilco/

The attached 6K jpg of a jet obviously producing a chemtrail from its tail is
from Contrail Connection - http://www.contrailconnection.com/ THIS IS AN EXCEL
LENT WEBSITE with many pictures.  Remember, planes dump fuel from their
wings, not from their tails!

Art Bell's chemtrail page - http://www.artbell.com/contrails.html

What the hell is going on - because I think Art Bell is a part of a disinfo
op himself.  Or, is he a man in the middle?


Steve Wingate

California Director

Anomalous Images and UFO Files


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