-Caveat Lector-

Here are some resources on worker ownership and cooperatives:

http://www.teltec.on.ca/coopsum.html Co-operatives in a nutshell
http://www.disgruntled.com/workown1297.html Worker owned temp services
http://www.cooperative.org/ The Co-Op Home Page - National Cooperative
Business Association
http://www.wisc.edu:/uwcc/ University of Wisconsin Center for Cooperatives
http://www.coop.org/ International Cooperative Alliance
http://csf.colorado.edu/co-op/ Cooperatives and Nonprofits on the Internet
http://www.mondragon.mcc.es/ Mondragón Corporación Cooperativa
http://www.geonewsletter.org/ Grassroot Economic Organizing Newsletter

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bob Stokes [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Sunday, November 14, 1999 11:26 PM
> Subject:      Re: [CTRL] Tales of the Underclass
>  -Caveat Lector-
> In a message dated 99-11-13 18:36:38 EST, nessie writes:
> <<
>  I belong to a worker owned collective business, Bound Together Anarchist
>  Collective Book Store, 1369 Haight St, SF CA. We're twenty four years old
>  and doing just fine, thank you. We belong to  a federation of such places
>  called the Network of Bay Area Worker Collectives, NoBAWC (pronounced
> "no-boss"). The smallest has six members and the largest has over a
> hundred.
> We're all
>  doing just fine without bosses, thank you.
>  Then there's Mondragon, a multi-billion dollar, multi-national
> conglomerate
>  based in northern Spain, and comprised of enterprises ranging from string
>  of gas stations, drugstores and department stores to agriculture,
> broadcasting and
>  manufacturing. It is owned by the workers. It is run by the workers.
>  They're doing just fine without bosses, too, thank you
>  State owned "collectives," incidentally, are not collectives. They are
>  cynically misnomered slave plantations. Screw the state. It sucks on our
> neck. >>
> Interesting!  Are there any books that explain how to get a business
> started
> that is owned by the workers.  For the last seven years I have worked for
> large corporate businesses ... Digital & Quantum ...  where there were
> more
> non-workers than workers and the non-workers get paid twice or more what
> us
> workers get paid even though we do most of the work.  They mostly go to
> off-site meetings and make changes that make our work harder.  I have also
> noticed that when a worker makes a suggestion to make the products better,
> or
> to improve reliability ... it is shot-down, then later suggested by an
> "Engineer."  Big Business is corrupt.  Managers (they manage to take money
> we
> earn) hire their family members and put them at a higher rate of pay than
> workers even though they do not own the business.  Managers also promote
> females who go to bed with them, promote ass-kissing guys who have only
> been
> with the company a few short months etc.  Hiring practices and promotions
> are
> not based on loyalty or productivity.
> I had my own business at one time, but the interference of government cost
> too much time, bookkeeping, social security payments, quarterly payments
> ...
> city, county, state and federal rules and regulations ~ you need a lawyer
> to
> keep up with everything.  If you miss one of these "laws" then you owe at
> least one month's pay in fines, filing fees, interest etc.
> Does your organization "No Boss" have a website?
> Regards,
> Bob Stokes

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