-Caveat Lector-


Forwarded from the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Subject:  Are Copiers used to Track us?
Date: Sunday, November 28, 1999 5:07 PM

From: http://www.jj-johnson.com/

Are Copiers used to Track us?
News and Editorial By J.J. Johnson
November 20, 1999
It started off innocent enough. Due an identification problem with my
local > phone company, I went out to get color copies of both my
driver's license and my social security card. The day was Saturday,
November 20, 1999. I went to the local Kinko's Copies. It was a simple
request. The supervisor took my ID and made a black and white > copy,
then handed to me.
"Excuse me," I said. "I asked for color copies." He responded that he
could not do that. "It's illegal," he replied. I asked him to explain
his statement and he told me it had to do with people who might engage
in counterfeiting. He was not accusing me, since it was obvious the
photo on the Nevada driver's license matched my face. I offered a
compromise. "What if you just copied them and ran a red line through
them so they could not > be copied again?"
His response is what makes this story so hot. "Sir, all these machines
place invisible codes on the copies. If the Secret Service tracked this
back to this store and me, I would be in big trouble." If the last
statement raises your eyebrows, you are not alone. It also caught the
attention of at least seven other people at Kinko's that morning that
were copying their own documents. In fact, for about 4 to 5 seconds, all
activity at this Kinko's stopped. Meaning this was not widely known
information. "Secret Service??" I asked. The customers also waited for
an answer. The Kinko's supervisor repeated the same statement again. In
shock, I walked away and paid for my copies. But there's more:
After paying, I was compelled to return to this person and thank him for
this information. But I wanted to talk to him alone, and press for more
information. I found him with another customer converting computer
documents from IBM to Mac format. When I approached, it was as if he
already knew what I was thinking. I thanked him, and he replied, "It's
not just Kinko's. The same thing will happen everywhere. All the
machines are like that. I personally know that Xerox had to sign a
contract with the government in order to be allowed to sell them."
"Wow. Big Brother, eh?" I asked trying to lead him. > "Sure is. Sucks,
don't it? Sorry man."
End of conversation
He knew I was thinking of just going somewhere else and getting the
color copies made. But according to this person (whose name or store
location I will not reveal since he was so forthright with this
information,) all color copies in the U.S. have these identifiers.
Sounds Microsoft-ish, doesn't it?
Let's clear this up: This person is a daytime supervisor for a Kinko's
Copies. And like most other Kinko's, they use Xerox machines. If there
is a problem, this is the man who calls Xerox. So, he should know what
he's talking about. He gave me no reason to believe he was lying.
Is this story true? Maybe this is old news and I just got off the boat.
But it sure did get the attention of other people in the copy area. True
or not, the information I learned (and now, you know) is fresh meat for
any internet "news-hounds" sniffing for a story.
BTW: You folks in the state-endorsed media (loyal guardians of Big
Brother) use the same copiers in your offices. Get digging.
>From what the Kinko's supervisor told me (if true), we can conclude the
following based on past experience:

1) The Secret Service are probably not the only agency that can get
their hands on these "identifiers."
2) This is not limited only to Xerox copiers.
3) This is probably not limited to copiers at all. Canon, HP, Brother
and other types of printers? Who knows? A few FOIA's ought to get more
facts on this. Notably, after years of Xerox and IBM being
"Microsoft-ed" by the federal government, what agreements might have
been made? >
More on this as it develops.
Stay tuned.

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