-Caveat Lector-

HAARP Project

HAARP, Weather War, And EMF Mind Control

Author: Unknown

In May of 1988, I wrote an article for the Canadian Intelligence Service
headed "Weather War?"

The preamble written by the editor said this: "Her story, indeed, is
'stranger than fiction.' And it's only the beginning, the first
glimpse of a new and uncertain factor in human affairs, opening up
unimagined physical possibilities - but also threatening our
very survival."

Those words were indeed prophetic. Advanced technology based on the
original works of Nikola Tesla is being developed at
an alarming rate. This discoverer of alternating current power source
and transmission system (among other accomplishments
was a genius before his time. In spite of this, his name is unfamiliar
to most because soon after his death in 1943 his data was
removed from libraries and his only claim to fame now is the Tesla Coil.
He hoped his discoveries would be used for peaceful,
life-enhancing purposes.)

While traveling in Alaska in the summer of 1994, we visited the Copper
Valley area hoping to explore the old mines. A large
intimidating sign blocked all access to this region. I didn't think too
much of it at the time, however I later learned of a highly
secret project being constructed there and was able to locate a book
published in Alaska discussing the HAARP system, that
being an acronym for High-frequency Active Auroral Research Project.

The authors of "Angels Don't Play This HAARP" base their information on
documents they were able to view which came out
of secret meeting of the U.S. Government and the U.S. Military. HAARP is
a ground-based "Star Wars" weapon which has
the capability to manipulate the environment in such a way as to change
weather patterns, disrupt global communications
systems, disrupt human mental processes, negatively affect health, and
impact the Earth's upper atmosphere in an unnatural and
damaging way. By interfering with the Earth's magnetic field there is no
assurance that damage on an irreversible global scale
will not occur.

All participants involved in designing HAARP are part of a giant
partnership of government, the military and many private
corporations which form defense intelligence contractual networks, and
it is done in secret. Critics of the project believe that
large groups of independent scientists should be talking a close look at
these developments before the project is allowed to

A biggest "ionospheric heater" in the world is located on the HAARP
site. Focused energy could be beamed up to the
ionosphere where the radio-frequency waves would interact powerfully
with charged particles that are always trapped up there.

The heating effect of the focused beam would then dramatically push a
plume - a large section of the ionosphere - up and
outward from Earth. One critic of the project called it "skybusting."

The Earth is protected from harmful cosmic rays by the Van Allen
Radiation Belt in conjunction with the Earth's magnetic field.
The ozone layer protect us from ultra-violet light. If this dual barrier
is weakened, allowing these high-energy particles from the
ionosphere to enter the atmosphere, serve damage could be caused to the
DNA blueprints of all life on Earth. This is only one
of the disastrous effects of which the HAARP system capable.

Co-author Jean Manning, in conversation with a ham operator, learned
that as early as 1975-76 the Soviet Union was beaming
radio-frequency signals toward North America. Ham operators were picking
up the 10-hertz (pulses per second) frequencies
which they called Woodpecker signals because of the tapping they heard
from extremely low frequency (ELF) waves. It was
speculated that his ELF frequency could resonate the neurons in the
human brain over great distance, resulting in mood changes
in a large part of the population.

These ELF waves could cause communication interference, power failures,
and weather modification designed to have a
devastating effect on food production.

HAARP records disclose that when the project is up to full power, it
will be able to send very low frequency and extra low
frequency (VLF and ELF) waves at energy levels sufficient to affect
entire regional populations. What other objective can there
be but to control people?

What is even more ominous is the authors' picture of what they refer to
as the "psychocivilized society." After reviewing
HAARP documents and Air Force materials, the possibility is there for
the HAARP transmitting system to be used
"inadvertently or intentionally to after mental functions." Early
research on the brain was conducted on animals, using electrodes
inserted into the brain to produce different kinds of behavior. Dr. Jose
M.R. Delgado developed his research so that
brain-manipulating effects could be achieved at a distans, and by
changing wave form, could completely change the thinking and
emotional state of the subject. Even these achievements can and are
being used to help people with various mental
dysfunctions, but the potential for abuse appears too easy to resist for
the "mad scientists" working on HAARP.

A European leader in alternative medicine, Dr. Reijo Makela has
developed a technique whereby a patient's chemistry is
rebalanced by using a combination of low levels of chemicals and the
right frequency from a properly-tuned transmitter. He has
had enormous success in treating debilitating diseases.

However, the military approach can be used for just the opposite result.
A tiny amount of chemical (below generally accepted
levels for toxicity) could be introduced to the enemy by some means
(perhaps water or air supply); then the right frequency
could be directed toward them, activating the otherwise harmless
chemicals. This would render the enemy powerless, and
international agreements regarding chemical warfare would not have been

A radio transmitter carrying a pulsed wave of 6-12 pulses per second,
acting in resonance with the radio waves which serve as
a carrier, could it modulated in just the right way disrupt minds and
cause serious negative health effects on humans and animals.
This technology is well within the capability of HAARP and they intend
to use it.

We are now the age of sophisticated electromagnetic technology which can
interfere with the Earth's magnetic fields all the way
up to the ionosphere. The consequences of such aggressive tampering with
our natural environment are not known, nor to the
HAARP designers seem to care, brushing aside any attempts to develop a
regulatory presence. Frustrating those who are
anti-HAARP is the veil of secrecy and deception which covers the

In order to "prepare" the people to accept these mind-bogging advances
in technology, little bits of information are "leaked"
out, like a trial balloon, to test the reaction. However, it seems that
basic strategy and application remain committed to secrecy.

Perhaps the most ominous aspect of the HAARP technology is the
connecting of the military non-lethal research with civilian
law enforcement agencies. This means that law conforcement can use this
technology against the government's domestic
"adversaries" - one can only surmise who these adversaries might be. We
are given a clue in the policy for non-lethal weapons
which states: The term 'adversary' is used .. in its broadest sense,
including those who are not declared enemies but who are
engaged in activities we wish to stop... Bear in mind that these weapons
are "invisible" - when used to alter thinking and
behavior the victims is unaware of an "attack."

The authors provide a brief history of discoveries relating to the field
of electromagnetic, beginning with Tesla's inventions in
1886 and ending with HAARP. Since 1994 HAARP has been testing its
equipment, with 1998 being the projected date for a
fully-operating system. The authors also warn us that it is not just the
United States citizens who are in jeopardy - the HAARP
system is a universal tool.

As early as 1975, the Canadian government was aware of the use of
weather modification as a weapon. Are they also aware
of the expanded technology of the HAARP system? Since this use of
electromagnetics will affect every one of us in some way,
perhaps it would be appropriate to question your MP.

Will this be the modus operandi to bring in the New World Order?

(Angels Don't Play This HAARP" - Advances In Tesla Technology, by Jean
Manning and Dr. Nick Begich).

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