-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

The clue is given...  "RIGHT" hand.  That is where you must dig into your
history and you will find that the Hebrews and others at the time believed
that spiritual POWER was always given IN to the 'right' hand to do the work
of God.

First of all,  it's NOT merely a state of mind, as you put it...   and
really,  I don't care if you disagree...  but at least admit that your brain
is *in your forehead* and within the casing of your cranium.  IF it's not...
then that is where the problem of understanding this comes from.   :-)

AGAIN...  I don't know how or why you are dragging something out of
chronological order,  such as the vials to the time of the mark of the
beast.  The vials (wrath of God) as you've quoted from Revelation 16 do not
occur until  AFTER the (6) SIXTH SEAL,  the (6) SIXTH PLAGUE (vial) and the
(6) SIXTH TRUMPET .  The reason God pours out his wrath is because of his
anger with the spurious messiah who comes claiming to be Christ,  but who is
none other than Lucifer, Satan that old Dragon,  the devil (See Revelation
12:7-9) and who has perverted the true image of Christ (the image of
Jealousy which Ezekiel saw and is that which provoked God to wrath in
Ezekiel 8 and has all to do with the Babylonian Mysticism that was carried
by the apostate Jews to the Temple in Jerusalem,  and that Judeo mysticism
of belief is called the "Kabbalah").  THUS,  you have the image of the
beast.  It is called the "BEAST" because it is a profane perversion of the
true image of Christ.

So,  if you want to believe that the mark is a physical mark...  then,
please,  do so.  I am not here to convince you of what it is or isn't.  You
asked for documentation.  I provided it.  And provided you a place off this
list for further study at http://www.lambsheart.com/fourwinds/mark.html

You are asking me for documentation,  yet,  you don't seem to be providing
anything sound or documentable.  You just keep repeating Revelation 16:2,
which has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the mark of the beast...
except that God's wrath will be poured out upon those who accept that mark
of that religious perversion,  known as Mystery Babylon (and her harlot
daughters),  which is false religions and false doctrines.  You can research
that study by going to http://www.lambsheart.com/fourwinds/whore.html

It is NOT a physical mark.  If it were,  Cain, too, and his progeny would
have been marked the same,  for it means almost the exact same word in
Aramaic (Greek).  NONE of them are physically marked,  but are definitely
recognizable.  There is a study available on this subject matter at the site

You are going to believe what you want to believe.  I am not here to
convince you to believe as I do.  I merely provided the documentation you
asked for.

eagle 1

----- Original Message -----
From: "Stopforth, Jamie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2000 11:49 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] I.D. Biochip in your Right Hand!

> -Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
> </A> -Cui Bono?-
> >>>WHAT is  *in* your forehead???
> WHAT is *in* your hand?  The Bible makes it clear it's going to be in the
> hand OR forehead.  How could it possibly something not physical if it was
> the hand?  If it was something not physical or mental as what you believe
> why then even put the Hand as an option?   And why the grievous sore for
> those that have the mark? [Rev 16:2]  That brings me to believe it is a
> device and not simply a state of mind.
> Jamie

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