If Taiwan requires American weaponry to defend their new Freedom against
the mainland Chinese socialist/communistic forces of darkness, then does
it not follow that Freedom-loving American citizens require weaponry to
defend themselves against the socialist/communistic forces of darkness
now residing in our Congress and in our Executive Branches of OUR

Am I not correct in the reasoning dealing with these propositions?

Would certainly appreciate your comments in this matter.

Know who your voting for!
Don't be influenced by phony television advertisements.

The Tyranny of Socialism which we have endured, effectively since 1913,
MUST be terminated on November 8, 2000 by voting for Constitutionalists,
e.g. people the likes of Congresspersons Ron Paul (R-Texas) and
Helen Chenoweth (R-Idaho).

Your Vote is the only peaceful way we have to restore our
Constitutional Rights, and if this fails woe to us all, for the
next step will force us to protect ourselves by the only
abhorrent means available to us.

Special interests are NOT our Masters;
King George III found that out real fast.


The Declaration of Arms was approved by the Second Continental Congress
on July 6, 1775.
While it disavows all claims of independence, it insists Americans will
die rather than yield to

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