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Microwave/Implant Editorial
                                                               John U.
                                                               Feb 13, 2000
12:27 PST



                              THE BIMONTHLY NEWSLETTER
                                  March\April, 1994


            We've been telling you that advanced microwave technology is
          being used against the human race. We've taken many beatings
          from skeptics but things are finally coming to light on this
          subject. We're including material here which should make the
          subject clearer.
            In the book, "Cross Currents", by Robert O. Becker, M.D.
          (Jeremy P. Tarcher, Inc., 5858 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 200, Los
          Angeles, CA, 90036), the author covers the perils of electromag-
          netic radiation, as well as the promises of electro-medicine.
            His appendix is: "The Hidden Hand on the Switch: Military Uses
          of the Electromagnetic Spectrum".

                   The New Killing Fields: Electromagnetic Weapons

            While the military was vigorously denying the very existence of
          bioeffects from electromagnetic-field exposure, such bioeffects
          were actually being explored as potential weapons -- weapons with
          the enormous advantage of being totally silent and imperceptible.
            The EMP [electromagnetic pulse] concept has been extended
          through the development of devices that generate EMP pulses
          without the need for nuclear explosions. Such devices could be
          deployed for use against enemy command and control centers and
          against aircraft in order to produce failure of electronic equip-
          ment. A derivative of this program is HPM (high-power pulsed
          microwave), a system producing intense, extremely short pulses of
          microwave. Several types, ranging in frequency from 1200 MHz to
          35 GHz with powers up to 1000 megawatts, are being tested. These
          are also considered for potential use as weapons against human
            A recent report derived from the testing program of the
          Microwave Research Department of the Walter Reed Army Institute
          of Research states, "Microwave energy in the range 1 to 5 GHz, a
          militarily important range, penetrates all organ systems of the
          body and thus puts all organ systems at risk." Effects on the
          central nervous system are considered very important. The test-
          ing program, begun in 1986, is divided into four parts: (1)
          prompt debilitation effects; (2) prompt stimulation through
          auditory effects; (3) work interference/stoppage effects; and (4)
          effects on stimulus-controlled behavior. The report goes on to
          state, "Microwave pulses appear to couple to the central nervous
          system and produce stimulation similar to electrical stimulation
          unrelated to heat." It appears that HPM is capable of altering
          behavior in the same fashion as Delgado's electrical stimulation.
            The production of cognitive and behavioral alteration by HPM
          [high-power pulsed microwave] is a sledgehammer effect in com-
          parison to the subtle alterations produced by ELF [extra low
          frequency] fields. According to a 1982 Air Force review of
          biotechnology, ELF has a number of potential military uses,
          including "dealing with terrorist groups, crowd control, control-
          ling breaches in security at military installations, and antiper-
          sonnel techniques in tactical warfare." The same report states,
          "[Electromagnetic] systems would be used to produce mild to
          severe physiological disruption or perceptual disruption or
          disorientation. They are silent, and countermeasures to them may
          be difficult to develop.
            Anthony Lake, National Security Advisor-Elect
            Madeleine Albright, U.N. Ambassador-Elect
            Judy Abdo, Mayor of Santa Monica, CA; SM is hit by the planes.
            Timothy Walsh, manager, Santa Monica Airport
            Ron Dellums, Chairman, House Armed Services Committee.
            PS: I heard on our listener sponsored station that the Los
          Alamos national laboratories said it could make electromagnetic
          weapons to stun or kill people. Also that FEMA has a martial law
          plan, and a lot of unmarked black helicopters which have been
          sighted, especially in Colorado etc.
            I discovered these references in Cross Currents:
            Tyler, Paul E: "The Electromagnetic spectrum in Low-Intensity
          Conflict." In Low Intensity Conflict and Modern Technology,
          edited by Lt. Col. David J. Dean, U.S.A.F. Center for Aerospace
          Doctrine, Research, and Education, Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala.:
          Air University Press, 1986. This article discusses the direct use
          of electromagnetic fields against personnel.
            "Walter Reed's Microwave Research Department: Its History and
          Mission [Part I of two parts]." In Bioelectromagnetics Society
          Newsletter, January-February 1989. Discusses high-power pulsed
          microwave as it relates to antipersonnel use. The Bioelectromag-
          netics Society has strong links to the military establishment and
          is considered to be an authoritative source.
            Steneck, Nicholas H. The Microwave Debate. Cambridge, Mass.:
          MIT Press, 1984. History of military microwave technology.
          Details of secret projects presenting radiation hazards.

             Military Implanting Humans and Microwave Technology

            [If the above file isn't enough there's more to this than most
          ever thought possible. Along with ETs implanting people it
          appears the military has their own program. Read on.]
            There is currently an electronic mind control system extremely
          effective and very difficult to detect. It is definitely being
          used on at least one person in California and probably many more
          in America. It is most likely being used by members of the U.S.
          Government (Central Intelligence Agency, National Security Agen-
          cy, Department of Defense), The Illuminate, Freemasons, The
          Brotherhood, or the secret "Greek Society." Essentially, the
          above groups overlap and may be viewed as the "The Organization."
          They are experts at secrecy, cover-up, terrorism and mind con-
          trol. They view themselves as "enlightened." They are essen-
          tially organized criminals who commit massive abuses, terrorism,
          torture, mind control, slavery, and murder.
            Their most common techniques are to use behavior modification
          and hypnosis on a person under ether gas or another general
          anesthetic. It causes a person to be extremely under their mind
          control when given an auditory or visual posthypnotic signal.
          They call this creating a "slave" or putting them into a "Greek
          sleep." Because of the techniques and drugs the person has
          complete amnesia for the conditioning. As well, frequently the
          victim has complete amnesia for the behaviors they are instructed
          to do while in the hypnotic trance. Then members of The Organi-
          zation financially, mentally, physically, and sexually abuse the
          victim or "slave." If a person begins to recall the conditioning
          or abuses they are told "It was only a dream," or "you are crazy,
          it didn't happen." Often the victim is also given memory block-
          ing drugs and electric shock to the head to erase the memories.
            The Organization extensively uses the above techniques. Unfor-
          tunately, several extremely sophisticated advanced techniques
          have been developed and have been in use for several years:
            1. A person is taken under a general anesthetic to a surgery
          location. This is usually done at night while the victim is
          sleeping. Ether gas is injected into his or her bedroom and the
          victim is drugged and taken away.
            The above involuntary sedation is also how other conditioning,
          torture, and abuses are often done. Alternately, the victim is
          simply told lies about the need for surgery.
            2. An incision is made just behind the ear or inside the ear
          canal with cosmetic surgery techniques. When healed it just
          looks like a fold in the skin. The entire procedure is often
          done without the person realizing it.
            3. Incredibly, a miniaturized electrode plate is inserted
          under the skull and next to the brain near the pre-speech area of
          the brain. It has the latest extremely small and powerful micro-
          chip sensors, battery, and transmitter.
            4. The sensors-transmitter, which is EEG micro technology,
          read the brain waves and transmit a digital signal. The signal
          is extraordinarily strong for such a small device. The signal
          can travel several miles. It is picked up by a relay receiver
          and transmitted to a computer, where instantaneously the software
          reads the digits and converts them into language. This is all
          done at radio wave speed, or the speed of light.
          EVERY THOUGHT READ WITHOUT KNOWING IT. It sounds like science
          fiction or paranoia doesn't it? It is not fiction and it is not
          the product of a psychosis. It is absolutely true. The technol-
          ogy is this advanced, and the criminal organization is this
          psychopathic. The Organization relies on it sounding so bizarre
          and heinous that no one would believe it. It is extremely cruel
          high technology reality. ANY ONE WHO DISCLOSES THEIR DIABOLICAL
          MURDERED by The Organization.
            6. Accompanying the above "thought reading" technique are the
          "thought inserting" techniques. Very low frequency subliminal
          sound has been used for years for "inserting" ideas into one's
          mind. Basically, very low frequency subliminal sound is per-
          ceived by the victim as one's own thinking. It bypasses the
          normal auditory system, but the content of the words is per-
          ceived. Because it is so subtle, if a broadcast is in first
          person language, an unaware person finds it impossible to dis-
          criminate the subliminal broadcast from one's own thoughts.
            One disadvantage of the above "low frequency subliminal sound"
          technique is that others in the area also experience the same
          broadcast. Sometimes people have simultaneous thoughts with
          another person in a situation, it may reflect that someone in the
          area is using a "low frequency subliminal sound" technique.
            7. The mind control "sound" broadcast is now accompanied by an
          incredible "radio" broadcast technique. They make use of another
          surgery technique for this "thought inserting." Cosmetic surgery
          is used to insert a microchip receiver-speaker under the skin
          near the ear drum. Essentially, it is a very tiny radio receiver
          with a tiny battery and speaker. Usually one is placed near each
          ear drum, and behind the ear canals so they won't be detected. A
          very low volume broadcast is used so the person does not perceive
          it as sound, but as one's own thoughts. Effectively, A PERSON
          KNOWING IT.
            8. Summarizing, there are two basic advanced techniques: 1.)
          Thought reading implant 2.) Thought inserting implants. Along
          with the standard mind control techniques there is a complete
          grievous human slave technology. The surgeries are done under
          general anesthetics, which often includes time for the incisions
          to heal. The person is told he or she had a severe flu or some
          other illness to account for the time of unconsciousness. Alter-
          nately, the victim is simply lied to about the surgery. The
          victim unknowingly has involuntary implants that "read" thoughts
          and "insert" thoughts electronically. The person is not even
          aware they have the implants.
            9. Most people unfamiliar with The Organization's methods find
          it difficult to believe the above. I have found that many people
          with whom I have discussed the above are also victims of basic
          terrorism or mind control. Part of the mind control process is
          to strongly condition people to the idea that you are psychotic
          or in danger for thinking such things happen.
            There are firemen, police, military, lawyers, doctors, engi-
          neers, clergy, teachers, journalists, and other members of commu-
          nities who conspire to commit atrocities. Unsuspecting victims
          are kept defenseless. The Organization is without conscience and
          their acts are so evil it is difficult to believe. They are very
          secretive, well organized, and have the latest technology. Mem-
          bers of The Organization are extremely proficient at lying,
          deceit, impersonation, and mind control.
            God as my witness, I give you my word the above is true and
          accurate to the very best of my ability. Glen E. Nichols, 1409
          Longbranch Ave., Apt. B Grover Beach, CA 93433.
            [We were so impressed with Glen Nichols' account we called
          California and had a long talk with him. He said that as a
          psychologist he worked with people that went over the edge or had
          emotional problems relating to their jobs or work assignments.
          We feel the man is very intelligent and sincere in his efforts to
          educate the public about this technology and its use on an unsus-
          pecting public. What you have just read is but a very small
          portion of what we have amassed with Glenda Stocks unfaltering
          help on this diabolical approach to enslaving humanity.]

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