I believe that the United States government purposely left Sadam in power. I
believe that they could have taken him at anytime. I don't support the
blocakade of the Iraqi nation. But I do support a blockade of the Iraqui
government. They killed more people than have died during the blockades.
Remember the hundreds of thousands of Kurds who were murdered by Sadam. Some
questions have no true answers. Yours is one of them. I guess the best I
could give is no. Children come innocent into this world and no one has the
right to kill them. And in this case there is so much smoke and mirrors by
all of the governments involved and the wonderful U.N. that I don't think
any of us knows where the real blame lies.

I am not active as I once was. I've realized that the agendas are so
imbedded in our society that even mentioning you are pro life or a Christian
marks you suddenly as someone who should be attacked. That's the deepest
conspiracy of them all. And the one that frightens me most.

Are you as concerned about the women and children who are being and have
been slaughtered in Yugoslavia because they are Christians as you appear to
be about those in Iraq? What are you doing about it?

You know what? I've discovered that bitching and complaining about the
agendas are the best any of us can do. And we watch the world become more
blinded to the truth, and we every day become bigger targets.

And so I guess that we're all pretty useless then. But I pray that what I
know, will always be what I know, and that I won't become part of the
conspiracy. And I'll always stand up and speak for what I believe, no matter
what little good it does.

I'm not a hypocrite and I'm tired of being insulted because of my beliefs. I
do the best I can. And that's all anyone can ask.

And I'm not going to discuss abortion anymore. People become very cruel when
they find out you're pro-life or Christian. This list has pointed that out
to me very clearly. The only reasonable responses against my position have
come from Bill Shannon. At least he hasn't insisted on name-calling. But
tough. It's what I believe and you're not going to change that.


nessie wrote:
Are you equally active against the blockade of Iraq which has killed over
a half million people so far, almost all of them women and children?  If
not, you're a hypocrite.

Franklin Wayne Poley wrote:
Maybe I'll retract and call you simple deceivers (more polite than liars).
So all you want to do is protect people in the sense of keep the vital
signs going. NO WONDER THE ABORTION RATE IS SO HIGH!! Who would want to
bring a child into your world with no notion of QUALITY of Life. YOU are
the cause of the abortion industry. Hanoi Jane was right.

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