Vol. 6, No. 1290 - The American Reporter - March 17, 2000

Eleanor White
American Reporter Correspondents
Hamilton, Ont. Canada
HAMILTON, Ont., Canada -- The recent flap over invasive "X-ray" devices
at Los Angeles International Airport that can scan the human body more
invasively than ever before is just the tip of a technological iceberg
which has been growing for half a century and has now yielded devices
literally capable of "broadcasting" directly to the human mind.

Yet, in spite of considerable material published over the past
half-century, the arrival of a time when any moderately wealthy person
can purchase or have devices made to order that can "talk to" the brain
and nervous system, has been met with silence. Indeed, in a response
(http://www.raven1.net/nsa1.gif) to a 1975 request to the National
Security Agency (NSA) for information on mind control devices, the NSA
said one responsive document obtained from the Russians by the Defense
Intelligence Agency could cause "exceptionally grave damage" to national
security if released.

The seminal event in the developments that have produced "electronic
mind weapons" was the discovery during World War II that radar
technicians could hear the buzz of the radar signal in their skulls, no
receiver needed, when they worked in close proximity to an energized
antenna. Radar signals are a uniform train of short pulses of microwave
signal, and the audible effect matches the pulse rate.

This told scientists that by pulsing a radio signal, it is possible to
have the signal interact with the brain and nervous system.

Radar hearing was studied on a grant from General Electric in the early
1960s by scientist Dr. Allan Frey, at Cornell University in upstate New
York. Dr. Frey's work has been reported in several scientific journals,
including the Journal of Applied Physiology, 17(4): 689-692. 1962.

Dr. Frey found that a wide spectrum of "carrier" frequencies, (that is,
the "spot on the radio dial" of the test signals,) when pulsed, and from
about 125 megahertz (lower TV channel range) well up into the microwave
region, could cause buzzes or clicks to be heard by the test subject. If
a steady train of uniform, short, sharp pulses was aimed at a test
subject's head, a buzz was heard. If a single pulse was transmitted,
then the subject heard a pop.

In general, unclassified experiments on human beings lay dormant for the
next decade, at least according to information dveloped by a Canadian
organization, Citizens Against Human Rights Abuses (CAHRA), has been
able to unearth. The pulses needed to place a signal power of about
three-tenths of a watt per square centimeter on the subject's skull in
order for the signal to be heard.

For ethical scientists, this power level -- about the same as when
basking under an infrared heat lamp -- indicated caution. Further
studies at the cellular level have turned up sensitivities to certain
signals far, far below that level. Dr. Ross Adey of the University of
California at Riverside, a leading experimenter in this area, has
recently warned (http://electric-words.com/adey/adeyindex.html) that
"there are important biomedical considerations associated with long term
exposure to any environmental factor capable of tissue interactions."

Other scientists studied "microwave hearing" by means of exposing
animals to various combinations of carrier frequency, pulse shape, and
power level. The animals were tested at the simplest level for "startle"
response, by applying a simple pulse or pulse train to a caged or
restrained animal.

More invasive unclassified experiments were performed in which
electrodes were implanted into the brains of the animals, in areas of
the brain where vision, sound, and other perceptive functions were known
to reside. These electrodes measured the response of each perception
region to different signal types.

These animal studies found that various perception effects are frequency
and power dependent. That is logically to be expected, since the size of
the animal and its sensory organs and brain region vary in size. Size
affects how much of the power from an incoming signal is absorbed, and
absorption is necessary to generate effects.

One of the most notable scientists in the animal exper- imental field
was Dr. Jose Delgado, Director of Neuropsychiatry at Yale Medical School
in the early 1970s. In a segment titled "Special Assignment" on CNN in
1985, Dr. Delgado demonstrated that by mounting a transmitter on an
animal, and having received radio signals converted to stimulating
pulses fed to implants in the animal's brain, behavior can be
dramatically altered. A bull apparently intent on challenging an
experimenter with a radio transmitter stopped moving toward the
experimenter when the appropriate button on a small transmitter was pressed.

While this was not direct radio signal-to-brain technology, it did
demonstrate clearly that the brain can be controlled by electrical
stimulation. It also, significantly, demonstrated intent. Demonstration
of intent is crucial to anyone interested in arousing public interest in
getting electronic mind weapons exposed, debated, and controlled.

Three other effects were discovered during these animal experiments:
Window effect, bio-amplification, and bio-detection.

Window effect means that, just as with drugs, there is both a minimum
and maximum signal level which will cause a desired effect.
Bio-amplification is the more significant phenomenon, as what it means
in practical terms is that at just the right frequency and pulse shape,
a given effect can be produced with very small power levels, far below
power levels required to produce heating. Under grants from the
government, Dr. Adey studied how electromagnetic (i.e. "radio") signals
interacted with cells down to the molecular level.

Bio-amplification also makes possible signals which do not interfere
with radio and TV appliances, and which are extremely hard to detect.
Hopping these small signals around in a band of effectiveness makes then
virtually impossible to detect.

Bio-detection means that a cell is not simply "stimulated" at a certain
signal frequency, but can actually behave according to "modulation"
applied to that signal. The old crystal set radios are one of the
simplest detectors of "modulation". When voice is superimposed on a
steady carrier frequency, that variation in the signal is called the
modulation. The crystal set extracts the voice and causes the attached
headphones to reproduce the original voice.

Headphones alone cannot respond to frequencies as high as, say, AM
broadcast band signals, and the detector, the crystal or diode, converts
the radio signal into a voice signal. Cells can do the same thing. This
leads to the next stage in radar-hearing human experimentation: The
successful transmission of, first, morse code, and then voice, to a
human test subject.

That milestone was apparently been achieved a quarter of a century ago.
In the Journal of the American Psychological Association in March 1975,
Dr. Don R. Justesen wrote:

"Communication has in fact been demonstrated. A. Guy (Note 1), a skilled
telegrapher, arranged for his father, a retired railroad telegrapher, to
operate a key, each closure and opening of which resulted in a pulse of
microwave energy. By directing the radiations at his own head, complex
mess- ages via the Continental Morse Code were readily received by Guy.

"Sharp and Grove (note 2) found that
appropriate modulation of microwave energy can result in "wireless" and
communication of speech. The recorded by voice on tape each of the
single-syllable words for digits between 1 and 10. The electrical
sine-wave analogs of each word were then processed so that each time a
sine wave crossed zero reference in the negative direction, a brief
pulse of microwave energy was triggered.

"By radiating themselves with these "voice modulated" microwaves, Sharp
and Grove were readily able to hear, identify, and distinguish among the
9 words. The sounds heard were not unlike those emitted by persons with
artificial larynxes."

This early '70s success forms the basis for the powerful mind weapons
that are still classified today. This writer makes no judgement here as
to the truth of the allegations of CAHRA's 300 members, who claim to
have been targetted by devices based on technology like this. Pain,
manipulation of body parts, and hypnotic effects have all been reported,
with a high degree of sameness among those reporting such effects.

However, the experimental results above make it plain that the means to
communicate electronically with the brain and nervous system have
existed for some time, outside the classified realm.

Audible words may be transmitted, as described above. A more recent
technology can be coupled to "microwave hearing" to produce a signal
which can carry vocal content which is not consciously audible, but is
"audible" to the human mind. This is called "SSSS" or "S-QUAD" or
"Silent Sound Spread Spectrum" technology.

The first unclassified patent found by CAHRA is U.S. Patent 5,159,703,
by Dr. Oliver Lowery, dated October 27, 1992. This technology converts a
hypnotist's voice to non-consciously-audible ultrasound, which can be
sent using microwave hearing, or piggybacked on to commercial broadcast
sound. This powerful combination of technologies can be used to apply
hypnosis, undetectably over months and years.

Britain's ITV News Service, in March of 1991, reported the use of
ultrasound carried via a commercial FM channel (100 MHz) to entrain the
brains of Iraqi troops to pulse rates set to produce despair, during the
Gulf War. Clearly both means and motive exist to use technologies
developed over the past half-century. But has there also been a motive
for criminal use of such devices?

Potential For Abuse

To recap, new devices which can "talk to" the human brain and nervous
system are a reality. They have, in their classified form, been a
reality at least since Dr. Joseph Sharp's successful transmission of
voice using pulsed microwave radio signals in 1973.

In the first part of this article, scientific research was summarized
describing the events which led to Dr. Sharp's success. The chain of
events was begun with the World War II discovery that radar signals can
be "heard" buzzing within the skull of technicians working in close
proximity to energized equipment.

Studies on animals, and Dr. Allan Frey's human experiments at Cornell
University showed that this phenomenon is both frequency and power level
dependent. Also discovered were that (a) cells assist in amplifying
radio signals at certain frequencies, and (b) cells can not only respond
to a radio signal, but can actually "detect," that is, "decode" any
modulation, such as voice, superimposed on the basic carrier signal.

Finally, brief reference was made to a form of sound conversion, "Silent
Sound," in which both mood setting ("brain entrainment") signals and
ultrasound voice facsimile can be used to undetectably communicate with
the human brain. The radio signal or "microwave hearing" phenomenon can
carry "Silent Sound," or, "Silent Sound" can be carried on top of an
audible radio or TV sound broadcast.

This capability to carry inaudible "voice" or "mood" signals sets the
stage for undetectable and repetitive hypnosis. Although the full
details remain classified, the British ITV wire service received reports
that the U.S. military used Silent Sound, piggybacked on FM broadcasts
to Iraqi troops, to set them up for a quick surrender.

To this point, then, we can see that the potential for extremely
invasive, undetectable, and unethical use of these technologies exists.
Being undetectable and easy to suspend when witnesses are present, the
world's justice systems can offer no remedy should the equipment be used
against citizens in their homes and communities.

The question now is: "How likely is it that the unethical, involuntary,
aggressive or voyeuristic use of these technologies has happened, is
happening, or may be happening, by those who possess these devices?"

To evaluate this likelihood, one must answer this question: "Why would
anyone use invasive, silent electronic equipment to both cause pain and
discomfort, or, to read the state of mind, including said-to-self vocal
thoughts and images, on a non-volunteer subject?"

One word sums the answer up quite thoroughly: "MKULTRA." MKULTRA was
originally a collection of 149 psychological warfare and interrogation
experiments commissioned in the 1950s by the CIA. These experiments were
spurred into existence by the "brainwashing" tactics used on Korean
POWs, which involved torture, sensory deprivation, and drugs.

MKULTRA planners decided that for brainwashing and other types of "mind
control" activity, it was essential that involuntary test subjects be
used. (No doubt, too, that volunteers for such horrible experiments
would be nearly impossible to recruit.)

Among CAHRA members, and a parallel organization named ACHES-MC
(Advocacy Committee for Human Experimentation Survivors - Mind Control),
are severely and seemingly permanently mentally damaged survivors of the
kidnap/institutional/drugging/torture forms of MKULTRA activity.

Most of the survivors' torment ceased shortly after the exposure of the
non-electronic atrocities, by the U.S. Senate Select Committee on
Intelligence hearings, chaired first by Senator Frank Church, then by
Senator Inouye in the late 1970s. None of the perpetrators of those
atrocities were ever brought to trial.

However, even though the perpetrators were not punished, and the
neuro-electromagnetic experiments were not brought to light, the MKULTRA
experience demonstrates undeniably that a modern, "civilized," western
country which places a high value on freedom, still harbors a motive
pool capable of unspeakable cruelty.

Add to the MKULTRA experience the continuing revelations of individuals
who prey on children (Jeffrey Dahmer and John Wayne Gacy, for example)
and it becomes clear that once invasive electronic devices fall into the
hands of society's "baddest apples," the devices will be used in the
worst possible ways. That is historical certainty, not speculation.

To sum up: We have shown that both the means and the will do exist, and
have existed for some time, to carry out what the 300 members of CAHRA
and ACHES-MC report.

But there is even more cause for concern: The basic technologies to
inject long-term silent hypnosis (which can be used to generate hypnotic
body pain) and to read sub-vocalized word-thoughts and even images seen
by the target's eyes, can be bought or had built by the average
millionaire. Not all "millionaires" are entirely ethical or altruistic.

Here is a list of technologies and their characteristics which can be
had by the wealthy at this point in time:

Through-wall, through-clothing, undetectable passive radar scanners from
Millivision Corp., Northamptom, Mass. This item also allows perpetrators
to see if witnesses or test equipment is set up, and allows the
perpetrators to shut down, rather than be detected.
Radar-based life detectors, used for rescue and law-enforcement, but
also available to stalkers and pedophiles. Can also "illuminate" a
dwelling's indoor areas for the radar scanners above, for better
visibility. Simple "brain rhythm entrainment" machines, which are
transmitters pulsing at rates which can alter moods without the target
realizing a signal is aimed at them. (The first of which was used during
the Korean War, the Russian "LIDA" machine.)
Involuntary voice-to-skull transmitters, capable of forcing a neighbor
to listen to inescapable sounds while trying to sleep. Modified
telephone voice converters, making a hypnotist's voice inaudible to the
target's hearing sense, but still audible to certain parts of the mind.
Can be transmitted using the pulsed microwave voice-to-skull
transmitters. This "silent sound" equipment can also be transmitted over
cable TV to the intended target, or over the target's favorite radio channel.

For the more determined aggressive device owner, a ruse involving
less-than-ethical doctors can be set up where the new Applied Digital
Solutions Inc. satellite-trackable implants can be surreptitiously
placed during surgery for other conditions, resulting in the whereabouts
of the targetted individual being known at all times to the perpetrator.
This type of atrocity lends itself more to large organizations like
government agencies or defense and intelligence contractors; and for
such agencies this is not difficult to arrange.

What can be done? What should be done? CAHRA is a non-profit
organization, meaning, by law anyone speaking or writing on behalf of
CAHRA may not attempt to influence legislation either directly or
indirectly by way of influencing voters. CAHRA's role is to supply
information to others, that others may independently take action they
see as appropriate.

Speaking here as Eleanor White, world citizen, and not as an agent of
CAHRA, I suggest that the European Parliament's resolutions passed on
January 28, 1999, be also passed by the U.S. Congress and the Canadian
Parliament. Excerpts from those resolutions follow:

Resolution adopted by the European Parliament, 28.1.99 Environment,
security and foreign affairs A4-0005/99:

23. Calls on the European Union to seek to have the new 'non-lethal'
weapons technology and the development of new arms strategies also
covered and regulated by international conventions; ...

27. Calls for an international convention introducing a global ban on
all developments and deployments of weapons which might enable any form
of manipulation of human beings;

Impetus for making such resolutions can be derived from a speech by
Jean-Pierre Changeux, of the Paris Pasteur Institute, published in the
prestigious scinetific journal Nature in January, 1998:

But neuroscience also poses potential risks, he said, arguing that
advances in cerebral imaging make the scope for invasion of privacy
immense. Although the equipment needed is still highly specialized, it
will become commonplace and capable of being used at a distance, he
predicted. That will open the way for abuses such as invasion of
personal liberty, control of behaviour and brainwashing. These are far
from being science-fiction concerns, said Changeux, and constitute "a
serious risk to society".

It is hoped the reader will take away from this article the need to get
this matter of weapons-capable electronic devices on to the agendas of
those we elect and pay to defend our nations from involuntary
experimentation and atrocities.

Eleanor White is an engineer and technical advisor to the Ontario-based
Citizens Agaionst Human Rights Abuses.

This article was recently published by the University of Technology,

and is posted here with thanks to the Andrew Searle:





The Mind Switch refers to the technology that has been developed which
allows a person to turn on and off an electrical appliance, such as a
desk lamp or TV in 2-3 seconds using EEG signals, without training.

Proportional control, such as turning up or down the volume of a radio
is also possible with the technology. This research is being carried at
the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS).


Early in 1994 while studying the response of the brain to environmental
factors Professor Ashley Craig and Mr Paul McIsaac of the Department of
Health Sciences at UTS, noticed an effect which appears to be common
among all persons.

That effect is an increase in a particular brain signal when a person
closes his/her eyes for more than one second.

The important question that Ashley and Paul then asked was could this
effect be used to do something useful?, ie - could the control of the
brain signal be used, in turn, to control something else?

At this stage Ashley contacted Professor Tony Moon, the Dean of Science
at University of Technology, Sydney (UTS), to find out if anyone could
help answer the technical questions and design a system that might
exploit the apparent change in the signal level when a person closes
his/her eyes.

Professor Moon introduced Ashley to Assoc Prof Les Kirkup who is a
associate professor in the department of Applied Physics at UTS, who has
experience in developing electronics and instrumentation. It was thought
he could offer important input to the project.

He was initially skeptical that signals as small as those that are
present on the scalp, (where electrodes are placed to pick up brain
activity) could be detected reliably and analysed sufficiently quickly
to allow activation of an external device, such as a lamp or TV.

The data that had been gathered on signal levels with eyes open and eyes
closed showed that a significant increase occurred in the 8-13Hz part of
the "brain spectrum" commonly referred to as the "alpha" region.

Les built a detection, discrimination and analysis system based on
Ashley and Paul's data and, much to his surprise at least, the first
person (Lucy) connected to the system showed the capability of operating
a switch which could control an electrical appliance.

BACKGROUND - Technical

Serious work done on brain signals began with Berger in 1929 [Berger
1967]. Since that time the acquisition and analysis of brain signals,
referred to as Electroencephalography (EEG) has advanced to such a state
that EEG is regularly used to assist in the diagnosis of schizophrenia,
epilepsy and brain tumours. [Geddes and Baker, 1989].

EEG has also been used in biofeedback studies in which subjects may
learn to modify their EEG signals in response to visual representation
of their EEG signals. This control usually take weeks or months to learn
and is not highly reliable.

The system we have developed does not rely on any learned skill by an
individual. It simply requires a person to close his/her eyes for more
than 1 second to effect sufficient change in the signals levels to allow
for the reliable operation of a switch.

It turns out that it has been known for many years that increase in
signal level occur upon eye closure, but this is the first example (to
our knowledge) of the recognition of its potential and the exploitation
of the effect.

The system used to detect the change in signals consists of amplifiers,
filters and other signal processing elements (full details are still
classified at the moment!). As there are other sources which can
generate signals which can interfere with brain signals (and hence cause
intermittent switching on and off of appliances) we have developed a
noise suppression system which eliminates the effect of those noise sources.

This feature is very important as we are currently developing the
technology for disabled persons (we have a three year grant from the
Motor Accident Authority of New South Wales, MAA) and reliability is a
major issue.

The funding from MAA has allowed us to appoint Mr Andrew Searle who has
become a key figure in the technical developments regarding the Mind
Switch. In addition Mr Perez Moses is developing new noise suppression
techniques to be applied in this work.


Berger, H. 1967. On the electroencephalogram of man (trans. by P.
Gloor).EEG Clin. Neurophysiol., Suppl. 28:1-350

Geddes, L. A. and Baker, L. E. 1989. Principles of applied biomedical
instrumentation 3rd ed. (Wiley, New York): pp726-727

Copyright 2000 Joe Shea The American Reporter. All Rights Reserved.

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