-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Dear Brigade,

"During the same period we became aware of the fact that the
California Black Republican Council selected delegates who
would parrot the Democrat Party’s socialist line within the
Republican Party, thereby blocking the emergence of authentic
conservative views among black Republicans....  All of this
illustrates that the race-based application of Lenin’s collectivist
strategy is faithfully followed by leaders of both major parties.
And it is not just black Americans who find themselves trapped
in this system....."

WOW!  An incredibly intense column by our very own VP
candidate Ezola - she hits the mark on every issue!

GO EZOLA GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The New American - February 14, 2000
Running the Liberal Hate Maze
by Ezola Foster

In recent years, the public has been assailed with rhetoric
condemning "the politics of hate," which according to leftist
commentators and politicians is the exclusive domain of
conservatives and traditionalists. In the final weeks of the 1998
congressional campaign, Bill Clinton used several political
addresses before predominantly black congregations to
insinuate that the Republican congressional majority was
motivated by hatred of black Americans. At the same time, the
Democratic National Committee ran radio advertisements that
said, in so many words, that every time a vote was cast for a
Republican candidate, a black church would go up in flames.

This campaign of misrepresentation became an exercise in self-
parody during the impeachment struggle, with Bill Clinton’s
partisans insisting that his critics were acting from disguised
racist motives. Radical black essayist Toni Morrison even
conferred upon Bill Clinton the unlikely title of America’s "first
black President," the better to "authenticate" the supposedly
racist motives of his critics. More recently, Donna Brazille, the
manager of Vice President Al Gore’s floundering presidential
campaign, told the Washington Post that she was determined
not to let "the white boys win" — once again advancing the
notion that opposition to the variety of socialist politics
embodied by Gore is ultimately propelled by white racism.

As used by the Left, the term "racism" — like "sexism" and
the recently minted expression "homophobia" — has no
objective meaning. As a black conservative American, I can
attest from personal experience that the Left excels at the
politics of race hatred. For defending Bible-based values, the
traditional family, and our constitutional system, I have been
assailed as a "conservative Uncle Tom," a "racist," a
"homophobe," and other unsavory epithets that cannot be
repeated in a family magazine. I spent 17 years as an activist
in the Democrat Party before I came to the conclusion that the
left wing that controls the Party is motivated not by a love of
the oppressed, but rather by hatred for the values I cherish and
those who defend them.

"We must hate," Bolshevik leader Vladimir Lenin exhorted his
followers. "Hatred is the essence of communism." Lenin
gathered around him a movement of those who regarded
themselves as victims and who were motivated by hatred for
Russian society; once the Bolsheviks came to power they
created a regime that left behind tens of millions of corpses
and the ruins of a wrecked nation. America’s Establishment-
anointed "Black Leaders" — Jesse Jackson, Louis Farrakhan,
Maxine Waters, and others — faithfully follow Lenin’s
destructive blueprint.

Leninist politics is based entirely upon lies, and the most
important lie told by Leninist race-baiters like Jesse Jackson is
that black Americans are not individuals, but rather part of one
undifferentiated "community" — headed, of course, by Jackson
and other "Black Leaders." When I was a candidate for the
California State Assembly in 1984, I saw billboards throughout
Watts and South Central Los Angeles proclaiming, "ONE
VOICE! ONE PEOPLE! ONE VOTE!" Those billboards were
placed in support of Jesse Jackson’s presidential campaign.

The evil that the Jackson campaign slogan represents can be
better appreciated if it is presented in rough German
translation: "EIN VOLK! EIN REICH! EIN FUHRER!" ("One
people, one kingdom, one leader.") The Jackson campaign
was using exactly the same rhetoric, and the same race-based
politics that had been used so successfully by Lenin’s German
disciple, Adolf Hitler. Thus it was appropriate that Jackson
supporter Maxine Waters, as a congressman, vocally
supported the Brownshirt-like street thugs who tore South-
Central Los Angeles apart during the 1992 "Rodney King" riots.
It was also appropriate that Waters was a devoted defender of
Bill Clinton during the impeachment hearings, insisting that
whatever offenses Mr. Clinton may have committed against the
rule of law, he was her leader — her Führer — in the struggle
against the "radical right."

Socialist Slave Masters

Along with a small but growing number of conservative black
leaders, I have challenged the chokehold that Establishment-
ordained "black leaders" have on black Americans. Left-wing
groups such as the National Association for the Advancement
of Colored People (NAACP), the Urban League, the Southern
Christian Leadership Conference, Louis Farrakhan’s Nation of
Islam, Jesse Jackson’s PUSH and Rainbow Coalition, and the
Congressional Black Caucus do indeed speak with "one
voice," but they do not speak for black Americans and are not
accountable to the people they presume to represent. Not
since slavery have blacks had to endure such strong masters.
It is a painful irony that descendants of the very people who
were brought to America as slaves centuries ago are now
being exploited in an effort to enslave Americans of all races,
colors, and creeds under the yoke of socialism.

Socialism is based upon the redistribution of wealth from the
productive to the parasitical. The growing demand that black
Americans be given "reparations" for slavery offers a new twist
on socialism by seeking race-based redistribution of wealth —
from white Americans, the supposed beneficiaries of slavery, to
black Americans, the descendants of slaves. This is, in fact, a
natural outgrowth of the institutionalized racism known as
"affirmative action," which assumes that all whites are
"privileged" and all non-whites are "victims."

A "reparations" bill sponsored by Representative John Conyers
(D-MI) has been floating around Congress since 1989. Not
surprisingly, most black, left-wing politicians support the
proposal. However, many prominent black "conservatives" have
been seduced into supporting the reparations movement as
well. Star Parker, a Republican leader whose conservative
credentials were certified by no less an authority than Rush
Limbaugh, insists that "each descendant of a slave should get
his million dollars.... I don’t care how much it costs; America
can afford it."

Miss Parker is not unique. My husband and I were seated
alongside several other black Republican leaders during the
closing dinner speech of the 1995 Christian Coalition "Road to
Victory" conference in Washington, D.C. We were the only
ones at our table who did not applaud when the speaker, Rev.
E.V. Hill, called for America to pay slavery reparations to
blacks. My husband and I were hardly surprised that Rev. Hill
would endorse this socialist proposal, since during the mid-
1980s, as the media was hyping him as "Mr. Republican of
South-Central Los Angeles," we learned from his own lips that
he was an ally of Jesse Jackson and Maxine Waters, and that
he did not appreciate our criticism of these Establishment-
chosen "black leaders." During the same period we became
aware of the fact that the California Black Republican Council
selected delegates who would parrot the Democrat Party’s
socialist line within the Republican Party, thereby blocking the
emergence of authentic conservative views among black

All of this illustrates that the race-based application of Lenin’s
collectivist strategy is faithfully followed by leaders of both
major parties. And it is not just black Americans who find
themselves trapped in this system. Americans from many
backgrounds are corralled into a constituency and assigned
"leaders," whose role is to act on behalf of their "communities"
in the drive to socialize our nation. Americans who refuse to
cooperate in this corrupt game are denounced for being outside
the "mainstream"; if they continue to resist, they are
denounced as "extremists" and "haters."

Fighting for Family Values

In the late 1980s, after learning of plans by the California State
Department of Education to instruct schoolchildren as young
as kindergarten age in "mutual masturbation and
homosexuality," I organized a group of Watts parents to
protest this assault upon our children. For our organization we
chose the name Black Americans for Family Values, which
certainly met any test of truth in advertising. We also
suspected that having a "minority" angle to our organization’s
name would attract media attention — and our suspicions were

The "minority" angle earned extensive media coverage of our
organization’s work at the 1987 California Republican Party
Convention. As a delegate at that convention I introduced three
"family values" resolutions, one of which sought to deny
convention credentials to groups seeking to advance support
for homosexuality. Another condemned pro-homosexuality
propaganda disguised as "AIDS education"; a third demanded
that operators of "dial-a-porn" services be prosecuted. These
resolutions so enraged representatives of the Log Cabin Club
— a homosexual pressure group attached to the Republican
Party — that they engineered my arrest on trespassing
charges as a way of preventing me from distributing literature
at the convention. However, when I returned to the convention
the following day, our group succeeded in winning approval of
two of our resolutions.

As a teacher at South-Central L.A.’s Bell High School, I
discovered that our students had been targeted by a
homosexual recruitment program called "Project 10." The chief
instigator behind this effort was a homosexual activist teacher
named Rodney Polte, who celebrated national "Coming Out
Day For Teachers" by wearing a t-shirt reading, "I’m not gay —
my boyfriend is." Polte would also bring his "lover" to the
classroom to lecture his students about their "lifestyle."

Many of Polte’s students attended my classes as well, and
they were sickened and intimidated by the militant homosexual
activist. They were particularly revolted by posters on the walls
of his classroom depicting "half-naked men" in erotic poses. A
bulletin board in Polte’s classroom displayed a homosexual
newspaper complete with classified advertisements referring to
sex with "young boys" and animals, and other degenerate
practices. A battle ensued with the Gay and Lesbian
Commission of the Los Angeles Unified School District, which
predictably attacked Polte’s critics as being motivated by
"homophobia" — that is, "hatred" of homosexuals.

However, the battle was won after a brave parent and her
daughter, along with an interpreter (the parent didn’t speak
English), appeared with me on Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson’s
cable television program to describe what it was like for
schoolchildren to be sentenced to serve time in Polte’s
pornography-filled classroom. Immediately thereafter, the
disgusting material was removed from Polte’s classroom, and
the homosexual radicals were forced into temporary retreat —
and I earned the label "homophobe."

For condemning affirmative action, I’ve been branded an "Uncle
Tom." For opposing bilingual education and illegal immigration,
I’ve been pilloried as a "racist." My commitment to Bible-based
moral principles has provoked left-wing activists to denounce
me as a "right-wing Christian extremist." I have heard the hate-
drenched rhetoric of the Left, and I have seen the faces of
leftists contorted in hatred as they hurl their epithets at me. I
have seen Communist-led mobs of street thugs beat
Americans in the streets of Los Angeles for the offense of
peacefully celebrating the Fourth of July. Amid all of this I have
asked myself, "How is it that we’re the ones accused of
practicing the ‘politics of hatred’?"

As it has been wisely said, a "hate group" is any group of
people whom leftists hate. I have come to understand that
Americans who eschew the politics of collective grievance, and
seek What’s Right for All Americans (to quote the title of my
book), can expect to be assailed as "haters" by those who
quite earnestly hate them. Our hope resides in the possibility
that a sufficient number of Americans of all backgrounds will
find their way out of the leftist hate maze and embrace the
principles of individual liberty and personal responsibility upon
which our nation was founded.

------  end  --------
On the Trail....
with Pat Buchanan and Ezola Foster
Internet Brigade Headquarters

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A vote for Bush or Gore is a vote to continue Clinton policies!
A vote for Buchanan is a vote to continue America!
Therefore a vote for Gore or Bush is a wasted vote for America!
Don't waste your vote!  Vote for Patrick Buchanan!

Today, candor compels us to admit that our vaunted two-party system is a
snare and a delusion, a fraud upon the nation. Our two parties have become
nothing but two wings of the same bird of prey...
Patrick Buchanan

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