-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Dear Brigade,

"Unlike other national candidates, who do whatever they can to
stay out of controversial local issues, Buchanan came to
Sanford specifically to speak out against Question 2..."I know
that this is a state issue, but I'm saying vote no on Question
2," Buchanan told reporters. "Frankly, it's not going to work,
because if (small woodlot owners) can't get their value out of
the land and they sell it, then you are going to get urban sprawl
out of it..."

Brigade, I just received some of the photos from Pat on the
Trail in Maine and will get a full report later today.  I have to go
into HQ for a meeting so will not begin work on Monday's Trail
Report until this evening.  But stand by -- I've heard it was
another outstanding day... on the Trail!

See article below and if you follow the link there is a photo of
PJB at a lumber mill in Sanford Maine.

GO PAT GO!!!!!!!!!!!!


Tuesday, October 3, 2000

Buchanan takes on forestry referendum

Portland Press Herald

SANFORD — Pat Buchanan donned a hard hat, posed in front
of stacks of milled lumber and said he was delighted to be
running for president again.

"I'm an outstanding candidate whatever party I'm in," said the
Reform Party nominee, who ran two other races as a
Republican. "I'm someone who likes to get out and campaign. I
enjoy meeting the people. I like doing the town meetings, the
TV, radio, all of it."

Buchanan came to Maine on Monday as part of a two-day blitz
through New England that started in New Hampshire, where he
won the presidential primary four years ago, and ends tonight
in Boston, where his two major-party opponents will debate
without him.

While the LaValley Lumber yard in Sanford was a typical
setting for a presidential candidate's photo opportunity,
Buchanan's message was not typical.

Unlike other national candidates, who do whatever they can to
stay out of controversial local issues, Buchanan came to
Sanford specifically to speak out against Question 2, a
statewide forestry referendum that would limit timber harvesting
on land in the state's tree-growth tax-relief pro-gram.

"I know that this is a state issue, but I'm saying vote no on
Question 2," Buchanan told reporters. "Frankly, it's not going
to work, because if (small woodlot owners) can't get their value
out of the land and they sell it, then you are going to get urban
sprawl out of it."

Proponents of the forestry referendum belittled Buchanan's

"It's meaningless," said Jonathan Carter, who led the campaign
to get Question 2 on the ballot. "Mr. Buchanan doesn't know
the first thing about what is happening in the Maine woods. He
is eager to come here and exploit this issue by energizing the
forces of right-wing extremism in the state of Maine."

On the contrary, LaValley chief executive officer Brian Thayer
said Buchanan understands the issue completely.

Thayer said hosting Buchanan was not an endorsement for the
candidate, but he welcomed the attention Buchanan's visit
brought to the issue.

A crowd of 15 people followed Buchanan throughout his tour of
the lumber mill and watched him pose next to Bob Lord, who
was inspecting pine finish board for imperfections.

A recent statewide poll conducted by Strategic Marketing
Services showed Buchanan with less than 1 percent support in
Maine. He is not daunted.

"Maine has always been friendly to independents," Buchanan
said. "We just got out on the road a week and a half ago, and
we are just starting from ground zero. We've got to give it
everything we've got."

In addition to Question 2, Buchanan weighed in on several
other issues.

Buchanan called his exclusion from the presidential debates "a
minor conspiracy" by the Presidential Debate Commission,
which is made up entirely of Democrats and Republicans.

"The American people have been denied the right to hear a
presidential candidate that they are paying for with their tax
dollars," Buchanan said.

On projected high heating costs this winter, Buchanan called
for opening up protected lands to oil drilling, increasing
electrical generation through more use of coal and nuclear
power, and adopting a get-tough policy with oil-producing

"No foreign aid, no World Bank loans, no IMF loans, and,
frankly, no security guarantees for any country that conspires
in looting the American people," he said.

Jeff Robinson, a college student and disabled veteran, said he
left the Republican Party when Arizona Sen. John McCain lost
the nomination to Texas Gov. George W. Bush.

Robinson said he will vote for Buchanan, even though he
doesn't expect him to win, and he is not worried about wasting
his vote.

"Voting your conscience and vision is what keeps this country
going forward," he said. Later, at a forum at Edward Little High
School in Auburn, Buchanan's camp allowed questions from
protesters who had been outside carrying signs saying
''Buchanan promotes hate,'' among other messages. Some
criticized his stance against measures such as an upcoming
Maine ballot item that would ban discrimination based on
sexual orientation.

One student, referring to Buchanan's anti-abortion and other
stances, asked ''how can you impose your morality on us?''
Buchanan responded that laws against prostitution, drugs and
racial discrimination show that the government has long been
in the business of taking stances on what might be called
moral issues. The Associated Press contributed to this report.

-------  end  -------

On the Trail....
with Pat Buchanan and Ezola Foster
Internet Brigade Headquarters

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any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
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A vote for Bush or Gore is a vote to continue Clinton policies!
A vote for Buchanan is a vote to continue America!
Therefore a vote for Gore or Bush is a wasted vote for America!
Don't waste your vote!  Vote for Patrick Buchanan!

Today, candor compels us to admit that our vaunted two-party system is a
snare and a delusion, a fraud upon the nation. Our two parties have become
nothing but two wings of the same bird of prey...
Patrick Buchanan

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