-Caveat Lector-

> I believe I already stated which precepts of Christianity should guide our
> civilization: Those of Christ Himself. Jesus never used religion for
> control, suppression or repression(except of our own sinful nature).
> Anyone who did do these things was not a true follower of Christ and only
> used the idea of Christianity to control others and amass wealth. We all
> know man is corrupt. Is it any wonder corrupt man did horrible things in
> the name of God?

There are a lot of precepts of a lot of religions that would work for many
societies.  The problem with organised (mortal-controlled) religion is that it has
been used as the spiritual arm of governments.  Thus, the 1st Amendment to the US
Constitution.  If one were to take up the study and belief of Jainism or Buddhism or
Taoism or any of a variety of other non-Xtian belief systems, one could find grace
just as easily.  The predominance of Xtianity in the Western world mirrors the more
formal monarchist governmental forms, wherein the church or the state is viewed as
the parent and the citizens as the children.  This is one of the bad habits that
later immigrants to this country have had a hard time giving up.

The unNatural tendency to exalting, mimicking, or otherwise deferring to elites may
provide "order" in society but this was not the purpose behind throwing off the
regal mantle a coupla hundred years ago.  Unfortunately, the development of a new
system of government -- rising above the Euro Serfism -- did not extend to bringing
the spiritual out of its anachronicity.  Perhaps when the next millennium starts in
a coupla weeks, we'll have something to look forward to.


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