-Caveat Lector-

Dear List,

Here's some info I have collected lately. For those interested in receiving
free E-mail copies of our newsletter, please write me offlist or visit :

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

Resources and Information
Please note: Listing of these resources does not necessarily constitute our
endorsement of them. They are for educational value only and some may be
heavy for survivors to read.

Please also note. Some of the conferences listed may not necessarily be safe
for all survivors. S.M.A.R.T. recommends always bringing a support person to
all conferences. If you are a survivor of mind control and/or ritual abuse,
S.M.A.R.T. recommends that you try to bring a support person that is familiar
with mind control techniques.

Summit focuses on solutions to child prostitute problems - The Atlanta
Journal- Constitution - Jane O. Hansen -11/15/00 - ""...there also should be
an alternative to jail for girls who run away from home and are then
victimized on the streets. "It doesn't seem right to incarcerate children
when they are the victims of abuse," said Fulton County Juvenile Court Judge
Nina Hickson.... many of whom have been abused or neglected at home, who are
lured into prostitution... Rasouliyan, who works with adult prostitutes at
the Atlanta City Jail, quoted studies of prostitutes that found half or more
had been sexually abused as children."

Dr. George D. Scott - Kingston (The College of Physicians and Surgeons of
Ontario)  It was alleged that Dr. Scott is guilty of professional misconduct
under Section 1 of the Medical Amendment Act for engaging in misconduct in a
professional respect, conduct unbecoming a medical practitioner and
incompetence, relating to his treatment of Ms. A. It was also alleged that he
is guilty of professional misconduct under the Medical Act for engaging in
misconduct in a professional respect, conduct unbecoming a medical
practitioner and incompetence, relating to his treatment of Ms. A. Dr. Scott
was charged under the above two acts because his alleged misconduct occured
while both acts were in effect (1966-74). Dr. Scott, through his counsel,
entered a plea of guilty to these allegations.

"Tomorrow A Million Coffins, And One Mourner: The Boys From Thunder
Bay....This transcript is from a presentation by Lynne Moss-Sharman at The
Third Annual Ritual Abuse, Secretive Organizations and Mind Control
Conference, August 4 - 6, 2000 ....Lynne Moss-Sharman is the Canada contact
for ACHES-MC www.aches-mc.org In her community, Thunder Bay, Ontario she is a
founding member of the regional Elizabeth Fry Society, advocacy for female
inmates; a board member of Northwestern Ontario Patients' Council (Lakehead
Psychiatric Hospital); she is a survivor of Cold War child
psychiatric/military experimentation and ritualized torture."
     Lynne : "...a compilation of material that I have collected on the case
of Richard Carlson who is the first male inmate in Canada to launch a lawsuit
against Correctional Services Canada for having been subjected to CIA
experiments while a federal inmate in Kingston area penitentiaries from 1968
to 1974...."
    "LSD Tested on Female Prisoners: Scientists Experimented on Inmates at
Kingston Prison For Women in 1960's", Mike Blanchfield, Ottawa Citizen, Feb.
28, 1998]
While Rick was in the District Jail, he had mentioned a Dr. Scott as the
primary psychiatrist at Kingston Penitentiary, Collins Bay and Millhaven --
and on the weekend before his next court appearance in March 1998, I found
this article on internet. Dorothy Proctor, who had been an inmate at Kingston
Prison for Women, had come forward to launch a lawsuit against Correctional
Services Canada for having been experimented on in P4W in the early 1960's
when she was seventeen years old. In that article, she named the same Dr.
Scott....ECT Statistical Highlights, Ontario, 1995-98, compiled by Don Weitz
[EMAIL PROTECTED], host CKLN Ryerson University Radio, "Shrinkrap"]
    Here are the stats for Ontario for ECT - electricity and ECT have been a
huge component in brainwashing experiments and torture. And you'll see that
figures went from 100 in the early nineties to 2,325; 12,390. Down at the
bottom you'll see 780 ECT's were administered to 138 women over 80 years of
age...I noticed that ECT went up in Ontario about 1993-94 - it went from zero
to 100 in our municipality - at this hospital."

This may be triggering for survivors.
Government sponsored parapsychology research "The Cognitive Sciences
Laboratory was asked to contribute anomalous cognition data in an
experimental mode to various segments within the U.S. Intelligence Community.
Most actual operations were conducted by CSL prior to 1978 when the
government set up an in-house unit for this purpose; however, some few
operational AC trials were conducted through 1994." "For over 20 years, the
Cognitive Sciences Laboratory has been the center for government-sponsored
parapsychology research in support of its intelligence program most recently
known as STAR GATE." From this page and pages linked to

Cult and Ritual Abuse - Its History, Anthropology, and Recent Discovery in
Contemporary America (Revised Edition) by Noblitt and Perskin, contains new
and updated chapters. A new chapter called "Empirical Evidence of Ritual
Abuse" contains a variety of research studies and data. "Dr. Colin
Ross...recently lamented that, at "present there is not a single published
clinical research study of Satanic ritual abuse involving a comparison group
and statistical analysis" (1995, p. 197). This observation was incorrect at
the time it was published and is still incorrect." p. 55 "A number of
authors...have argued that ritual abuse allegations are essentially false and
the result of suggestibility and social influence. However, this hypothesis
appears to be derived from subjective opinion and speculation rather than any
research findings. It has never been shown that people who report ritual
abuse are particularly suggestible." p. 60 In the chapter, "Nihilists and
Revisionists," the authors discuss skeptics, including Underwager and Ofshe.
"Dr Rockwell ...write(s) about the case (the Ingram case)(From the report of
Proceedings volume VII of a hearing held on Feb 1, 1990, before the Judge of
the Superior Court, Robert H. Peterson. P 910-913.) The judge says: My
problems with Dr. Ofshe's testimony are  ...he is not a clinical
psychologist...he's not an expert in sex abuse..." p. 231 "James Patterson
and Peter Kim (1992) found that one in seven of their respondents
acknowledged a history of sexual abuse in childhood." p. 236. The book can be
ordered from Greenwood Publishing Group, 88 Post Road West, Box 5007,
Westport, CT 06881, 1-800-225-5800, www.greenwood.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ISBN 0-275-96665-8. The cover may be heavy for survivors. It has white print
on black, and the "t's" look similar to crosses. But the information in the
book is very good.

Sympathy for The D___ - Part Two: The Rest of the Story, by E. Sue Blume is
available from Treating Abuse Today" vol. 9 no. 4, P O Box 3030, Lancaster,
PA 17604-3030, [EMAIL PROTECTED], www.save.org

Looking Inside - Life Lessons from A Multiple Personality - In Pictures and
Words - by author/survivor and founder of www.multiple-personality.com Judy
Castelli E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Castelli Studios, 211
Buckskill Road, East Hampton, NY 11937, 631-329-3813 ISBN 0-9702806-0-2

The Truth About Malarkey by Dee Ann Miller, a work of reality-based fiction
about a whistleblower losing a job after discussing a colleague's sexual
misconduct, is available from www.1stbooks.com, 1-888-280-7715, ISBN
1-58721-555-1, also the novel is available as an e-book for only $3.95
through www.1stbooks.com, Confronting Collusion in Churches a source of
empowerment and education for survivors, church leaders, and survivor
advocates struggling with clergy sexual abuse, domestic violence, and incest
- http://members.tripod.com/~NoColluding

Women Survivors Of Childhood Ritual Abuse Needed for Research Study -
consists of 2 - 3 hours in-person interview (audio taped), 1 to 2 brief
follow up calls and optional participation elements. Women must be over 18
years of age and self-identify a history of ritual abuse. For more info,
Becky Beardsley, Dept. of Educational Psychology, Univ. of Utah,
919-518-8245, [EMAIL PROTECTED] As always, please check out any resource in
this newsletter carefully.

Sexual Abuse May Affect Health For A Lifetime  11/21/00 (Center for the
Advancement of Health) - Far from being a static experience, sexual abuse
during youth may affect health even in old age, suggest the results of a
study....researchers noted associations between early abuse and several
health conditions in the elderly....Stein and co-author... Barrett-Connor,
MD, analyzed health data on more than 1,300 elderly ... participants...In
women, early sexual assault appeared to increase the risk of arthritis and
breast cancer, with multiple abuse episodes increasing disease risk by two-
to three-fold compared with a single episode. In men, early sexual assault
appeared to increase the risk of thyroid disease" The study was in the
11-12/00 issue of Psychosomatic Medicine.

<A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">www.ctrl.org</A>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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