So this country is worried abouat guns when we have this going for

It occurred to me the Old Testament warns of eating certain meats for
some wise man probably discovered that some of the meat was tainted and
might even cause blindness?

This wasting disease called AIDS - could it be that the bible condemns
homosexuals because the wise men knew homosexuality was a danageorus
life style?   Now the sharing of needles by cocaine users was known to
cause what we call "AIDS" now, even in 1930.....look that up in your
Funk and Wagnall - lots of lost knowledge in old books.....

So there was one a disease called Egyptian Wasting
wonder why they say cleanliness is Godliness and why Nuns and Priests
are so clean and Kosher Kooking seems to be with us always?

So now that the USA has all these gay black men with AIDS why does the
government feel it is necessary to take in 18,000 blacks every year now,
but they must have AIDS?

Could it be the zero population is growing nearer and nearer and only
those who live by the old ones biblical laws will survive?

Reason I dislike homosexuals????   I do not like the ones who flaunt
their lifestyles before us and then feel unwanted when they try to
infiltrate, and I mean infiltrate organizations such as the Boy Scouts -
little Cub Scouts exposed to such people.....I do not like their chances
at living too long,  but now have you seen the commercials on the new TV
shows coming up?   Even that fat Goodman who used to play with Rosanne
(never liked or watched that show) his show went bust with this stuff.

Yesterday on CNN the news showed three scenes of men passionately
kissing men, and it was the most disgusting, revolting, lewd and
lascivicious acts of decadence I have ever seen......this will be on
prime time, presumably  Bill Tush reporting - now I know why I do not
watch CNN anymore......

So protect your children from these sodomists and
Hollywood......remember the once handsome Rock Hudson and his brief and
last appearance on TV kissing this beautiful Linda Evans....he looked
like the guy who played the Mummy's Curse in the old movies - he had
aged 40 years in a year....he was an old man, and his eyes were
desperate.....then it came out, he had AIDS.....feel storry for him?   I
pity Linda Evans and wonder why she ever kissed that - well nuff said.'

AIDS and Blacks.....Welcome to the NWO and UN Lifestyles they would push
on your beautiful golden haired children.....beautiful blues eyes and
gray eyes blacks are taught to hate?

Black is beautiful - well may be another black, but just keep them away
from me and mine.


To Each His Own - birds of feather flock together.    Ever see a crow
mating with a red bird?   Or a Blue Jay?

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