-Caveat Lector-

I would like to point everybody to the United Ststes Constitution,
article 1 section 1 This article spcifies that only congress can make
This means that executive orders are unconstitutional, agencies allegedly
created by executive order are unconstitional, (like the environmental
protection agency). Article 1 section 8 does not authorize environmental
protection to the federal governemnt.
Treaties do not supersede the Constitution see the wording that treaties
must be in pursaunt to the constitution otherwise as few as two senators
could amend the constitution.This is why I say that all environmental
activities violate all the peoples of the united states civil rights yours
included. And by the way the 13th amendment bans slavery. What is makes a
slave a slave? Why of course bunky it is the coericve nature of one human
ordering another human around with impunity. This of course is the same
thing of all these mandates coming out of Washington, D.C. ANY MANDATES
made by the FEDERAL, STATE and local governments violates mine and your
13th amendment civil rights! And this alone makes Federal environmental
protection unconstitutional!
visit my web site at  http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon
My ICQ# is 79071904

On Sun, 15 Apr 2001, Steve Wingate wrote:

> ->  SNETNEWS  Mailing List
> Why is taking measures to reduce global warming synonymous in your view
> with 'giving up your freedom's and the US Constitution'?
> Laws that are enacted by Congress can be challenged in the courts if they
> are not Constitutional.
> Why such a radical assessment?
> Steve
> On 15 Apr 01, at 20:35, William Bacon wrote:
> > Hello!
> > So what if there is this alleged global warming? Don't thousands of people
> > on a yearly basis spend millions of dollars to move to where it is warm?
> > Just think of all the moving expenses saved if this alleged global warming
> > is true? And againso what if itis true?? I am not submitting to these
> > eco=fascists and their demands that I give up myfreedoms and the US
> > constitution because of "Global warming EVEN IF IT IS AS BAD AS THESE
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