-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Pro-Taipei lawmakers cheer Bush arms deal
Analysts hail willingness to sell weaponry as stark change from Clinton



Editor's note: In collaboration with the hard-hitting Washington, D.C., 
newsweekly Human Events, WorldNetDaily brings you this special report every 
Monday. Readers can subscribe to Human Events through WND's online store. 
By Allan H. Ryskind
© 2001 Human Events 

Some of the most influential pro-Taiwan lawmakers are giving President Bush 
-- in the words of military analyst Rick Fisher -- "two cheers" for the arms 
package he's approved for the beleaguered island. 

Sen. Jesse Helms, R-N.C., says the arms sale will help Taiwan "resist 
coercion from an increasingly belligerent communist China." But the powerful 
chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee intimated that the White House 
should have OK'd sale of four Aegis air- and missile-defense ships as well, 
insisting he was "unalterably persuaded" that such a sale was justified, 
especially "in light of the outrageous actions of the leaders in Beijing." 

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-Calif., the most vocal backer of Taiwan in the 
House, argues that the weapons OK'd for approval send a "message to China and 
the rest of Asia that America is not going to be pushed around." But 
Rohrabacher says he would have been still happier with a stronger package, 
including the Aegis. 

Military experts in Taiwan's corner are taking a similar stance. Fisher, a 
passionate supporter of Taiwan and a senior fellow at the Jamestown 
Foundation, says, "Clinton failed to sell a single weapons system of 
importance to Taiwan, and the Bush policy is a distinct break from the past." 

But Fisher, who left the Heritage Foundation partly as a result of his 
tougher position on China, is withholding the third cheer because "far more 
needs to be done" to counter the "massive ballistic-missile buildup on the 
mainland." And the key to thwarting that threat, he argues, is the Arleigh 
Burke-class destroyer, equipped with the anti-missile Aegis radar. 

Fisher's viewpoint among hawkish, pro-Taiwan defense experts is hardly 
unique. Bill Hawkins, a longtime defense analyst for Rep. Duncan Hunter, 
R-Calif., and Al Santoli, the hard-line foreign policy expert for 
Rohrabacher, have voiced similar sentiments. The most positive aspect of the 
Bush decision, say the Taiwan supporters, is that it decisively reverses the 
Clinton policy of forcing the Republic of China's military to shrivel in the 
face of a powerful China buildup across the Taiwan Strait. 

On the advice of Donald Rumsfeld's Defense Department, Bush approved the 
biggest package of arms sales to the island since Bush I, including four 
Kidd-class destroyers, eight diesel-powered submarines and 12 P-3C 
sub-hunting Orion aircraft. Mine-sweeping helicopters, amphibious assault 
vehicles and the Avenger surface-to-air missile system were also approved for 

What Bush has done, say the experts, is make it possible for Taiwan to vastly 
upgrade its capacity to counter China's mounting naval threat, including the 
mainland's acquisition of two Russian-made Sovremenny destroyers, with 
powerful Sunburn missiles, and its purchase of four Russian-made Kilo-class 
diesel submarines. While significantly adding to their naval capacity, the 
Chinese are also increasing the number -- and duration -- of their patrols 
near Taiwan. 

"Blockades and submarine warfare is apparently the direction China is taking 
as it contemplates its strategy with Taiwan," says Bates Gill, director of 
the Brookings Institution's Center for Northeast Asian Policy Studies. "This 
[Bush-approved sale of weapons] will change things dramatically." 

The Chinese government was angry enough that its ambassador to the United 
States, Yang Jiechi, delivered a formal letter of protest about the Bush 
decision to the State Department. 

Nevertheless, some of Taiwan's friends (but not for the record) think the 
Bush-approved sale of weapons may have been more adroit than tough-minded. 
They have culled an interesting paragraph from a front-page story in the 
April 1, New York Times. That report, filed from Taipei, reveals that a 
confidential review of U.S. naval officers from the Pacific Fleet concluded 
that the Republic of China needs "a significant infusion of weapons." 

The paragraph in question begins, "Beijing has singled out as particularly 
objectionable potential sales of three types of weapons: the Navy's Aegis, 
which China fears may provide the basis for an eventual anti-missile defense 
and blunt China's missile threat to the island; the Army's advanced Patriot 
anti-missile system known as PAC-3 and submarines which China maintains are 
offensive weapons and which the United States has never before sold to 

Two of those weapons systems, the Aegis destroyer and the PAC-3, were not 
included in the Bush menu of weapons for Taiwan and have been "deferred," in 
the language of the administration. Eight diesel subs were approved, but 
there may be a hitch here as well. 

The sub sale is complicated by an obscure fact. The United States no longer 
produces diesel-powered submarines, but had planned to build the subs in 
Pascagoula, Miss., using either German or Dutch designs. But Uwe-Karsten 
Heye, chief spokesman for German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, informed 
Bloomberg News Service last week that Germany had not received an application 
from the United States to build or sell licenses for submarines for Taiwan. 

"In any event," he said, "we wouldn't permit the sale," the chief reason 
being communist China's objections. 

Dutch Foreign Ministry spokesman Frank de Bruin was equally blunt. 

"The Netherlands," he said, "maintains a one-China policy. That means no 
weapons are to be sold to Taiwan or to third parties for resale to Taiwan." 

Without the cooperation of the Dutch or the Germans -- and surely we must 
have known their position beforehand, say Bush's critics -- the United States 
will have to build these subs from scratch, a task that may take eight or 10 
years, two to three times longer than if we had access to the designs. Thus, 
China's strong objections to our providing Taiwan the Aegis, the PAC-3 and 
the submarines, some are saying, may have paid off after all. 

Harsh conservative critics of the Bush decision, however, are in the 
minority. The majority upbeat assessment is that the President has ditched 
the Clinton policy and has taken significant steps to enable Taiwan to deter 
any potential attack from China. 

Moreover, despite the furor it caused, President Bush's statement last week 
on ABC-TV's "Good Morning America" that strongly indicated that the United 
States would use force to defend Taiwan from attack greatly encouraged many 
in the pro-Taiwan national security community. 

Asked if we had "an obligation to defend the Taiwanese," Bush responded: 
"Yes, we do, and the Chinese must understand that." But with the "full force 
of American military?" he was pressed. "Whatever it took to help Taiwan 
defend herself," he replied. 

Some critics complained Bush's statement exceeded the terms of the Taiwan 
Relations Act, but the TRA says that the policy of the United States is "to 
maintain the capacity of the U.S. to resist any resort to force or other 
forms of coercion that would jeopardize the security or social or economic 
system of the people on Taiwan." It also says that any non-peaceful action, 
including "boycotts or embargoes," against Taiwan would be "a threat to the 
peace and security of the Western Pacific area and of grave concern to the 
United States." 

By week's end, Bush had not significantly backtracked. His national security 
adviser, Condoleezza Rice, said that Bush's statement shows "how seriously 
and resolutely" the president takes his obligations under the TRA. 

Whether the president decides to stick with his statement or soften the 
formula is almost irrelevant, argue Taiwan's supporters. What is extremely 
important, they say, is that Bush has revealed his strong determination to 
prevent the free, democratic Republic of China from being conquered by the 
communists on the mainland. That's a major psychological weapon the Chinese 
communists will have to contend with in their powwows on how to take Taiwan, 
along with the sophisticated hardware Bush has promised he would deliver to 
the ROC. 



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