Jacob Sullum  May 1, 2001

Shoot First


How many Peruvians does it take to kill a baby? About four,
apparently, if they have a fighter jet and the help of a U.S.
surveillance plane.

If you think that's a sick joke, you're right. But the joke is on us.
No matter how hard U.S. officials try to obscure the fact, the
Peruvian A-37 that shot down a single-engine plane carrying two
missionaries and their children was doing America's bidding.

That's not to say that our government wanted to kill Veronica Bowers
or her 7-month-old daughter. Indeed, tapes of the incident are said
to show that the American surveillance team repeatedly warned the
Peruvian Air Force that the plane it was preparing to attack might
not be carrying drug smugglers.

The Peruvians presumably were not gunning for missionaries either.
They simply acted precipitously, based on incomplete and erroneous
information, and innocent civilians died as a result. That sort of
thing happens in war.

Still, there's no denying that this war is directed by the United
States, which supports ruthless action against drug traffickers and
should not be surprised when its allies get reckless. The killing of
Bowers and her daughter was not intended, but something like it was
perfectly foreseeable.

There was a time when the U.S. government actually opposed firing on
civilian aircraft. Federal law, in compliance with international
agreements, prohibited attempts to damage or destroy civil aircraft
in flight; it also made assisting such attempts a crime...


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