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May 9th Set For ET Contact Disclosure

USA - Washington, DC. -  The Center For The Study Of Extraterrestrial
Intelligence  (CSETI) announced this week that the long awaited public
disclosure of concrete evidence and proof regarding extraterrestrial
intelligence, UFOs and covert government projects related to the subject
will be held on May 9th.  The Press Conference for this disclosure event
is scheduled for 9 a.m. at the National Press Club in Washington, DC

Since August of 2000, the CSETI Disclosure Project has recorded the
testimony of over 100 military, government and related witnesses to UFO
events and projects from around the world. This testimony includes
of first-hand, often top-secret witnesses to UFO events, internal
UFO-related government projects and covert government activities related
to UFOs, Extraterrestrial Intelligence and exotic energy and propulsion
system projects. These 100 witnesses constitute the tip of a larger pool
of over 400 prospective witnesses from a dozen countries, many of whom
prepared to come forward initially in formal Congressional hearings --
which organizers hope will result from the upcoming planned disclosure

CSETI staff are now conducting private briefings for key leaders in
society, government and related institutions in preparation for the
disclosure event.  They have found that during previous briefings at the
Pentagon and with senior congressional leaders and Executive Branch
this civilian effort to disclose this matter has been repeatedly
green-lighted and even encouraged.

Dr. Steven Greer, director of CSETI, has led research teams throughout
world investigating the existence of ETI, and on several occasions has
successfully established preliminary contact and communication with
extraterrestrial spacecraft at close range. He has met with and provided
briefings for senior members of government, military and intelligence
operations in the United States and around the world.  These have
senior CIA officials, Joint Chiefs of Staff, White House staff, senior
members of Congress and congressional committees, senior United Nations
leadership and diplomats, senior military officials in the United
and Europe, and cabinet-level staff members of the Japanese government.

The disclosure press conference comes on the heels of an April 23 ABC
Report by Peter Jennings, in which he very seriously introduced a story
"Making Contact With Alien Life" by asking what would we do if we were
contacted by aliens and who would represent us.

(For more information: CSETI:   http://www.cseti.org )

The Truth Is Somewhere...

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