-Caveat Lector-

Dale have you seen this item?   This Cooper Milton William and William M
and William C appear to be same man.

If he would be a full ranking naval intelligence officer or USAF he
would have been busted or even if retired could still be in trouble....

He looks like the enemy within?   Doesn't seem to have any first hand
knowledge really about what went on but at least they had line on web
where Edgar Mitchell walked on moon?   No kidding?

Saba     Good item here.   Other was too big to send but you probably
have it; these are just hyped version of Hells Fire Club stuff American

William "Bill" Cooper & John Lear
The Fraud, The hoax and the Fight

When I started looking for UFO related information on the internet, I
found a lot of sites that publicised the statements by William Cooper
and John Lear without further comment (I guess that's a good indication
about the knowledge of UFO research that th ose site-maintainers have -
none....). I personally don't think that these two idiots deserve any
attention, but since the wide-spread disinformation about these two, I
thought it would be a good thing to expose the truth about them. For the
same reason y ou won't find any of their bogus documents on this site.
If it weren't that William Cooper is such an unlikely person
(understatement.....), his writings might have been a popular
science-fiction story.
William Cooper created his image as a high ranking (ex-)member of Naval
Intelligence. In reality, his job consisted nothing more than setting up
audio-visual equipment and sending out paperwork to the Pacific Fleet
briefing teams. William Cooper was intro duced by John Lear to the UFO
Research Community, and made his appearance on the Paranet BBS. After
making a total ass out of himselve, this is what Michael Corbin (Paranet
Sysop) has to say about him:
First, I don't want to get into any protracted discussions about Bill
Cooper. All I can say is that we, ParaNet, had a great deal of
experience with Bill Cooper, up to and including ejecting him from the
net for causing a variety of disruptions, not to mention strong attacks
on other members of the net that were counter-productive to intelligent
discussion. Our organization has investigated Cooper to the max and can
find no truth in anything he says except that he was in the Navy, but
not in the capacity that he claims. Further, the tape of the JFK driver
has obviously been altered. I have a copy of that tape and I have no
doubt in my mind that someone has edited it to make it look like the
driver. The bottom line is that Bill Cooper just d oesn't hold water, so
anything he says should be taken with a large block of salt and tongue
planted firmly in cheek.
During that time, a document was placed on Paranet called the "O.H.
Krill Papers", wich was a very shocking story about the US shadow
government, cooperation between that group and "Alien Grey's",
Underground Alien Bases, new world order, and so forth.
His final demise came at the moment that he was being interviewed on a
TV show together with John Lear. Lear heard William Cooper use the O.H
Krill name, While John Lear wanted to use the show to announce that he
made the "O.H. Krill" paper as a "joke" t ogether with with John Grace
(Valdemar Valerian, who heads the Nevada Aerial Research Organization),
William Cooper went on to mention the fact that he had first seen this
document while working for the Office of Naval Intelligence in the early
John Lear immediately pulled William Cooper aside and quietly told him,
"Bill, O.H. Krill is a joke! John Grace and I used Krill from Bob
Emenegger's special 'UFO's: It Has Begun' because of a woman who
allegedly channeled an entity named CRYLLL. Grace ju st pulled the O.H.
out of thin air!"
William Cooper instantly unleashed his hostile self and in his usual
denial of reality, replied that Lear was mistaken, insisting that he had
seen it in 1972 while working for Naval Intelligence. He went on to say
that Lear is a liar, disinfo agent, etc. and still says so up to the
present day. That's what happens to all people who "cross" Cooper. He
immediately proclaims them to be Evil Agents working for the Conspiracy.
So William Cooper made an ass of himself and left UFOlogy long ago
mainly because UFOlogists chewed him up and spat him out. (It took them
a while though.) Now he spends his time ranting about the New World
Order and the imminent armed take-over of the U.S. by the United
Nations. He's a liar and a crook (he wants people to send him gold so he
can fund the fight against the New World Order), and the last I heard of
him is that he's the leader of an Anti-Government Militia.
In case you would like to read more on this case, I suggeest the
following articles:
Bo Gritz Says.... Bo Gritz explains why Cooper's security clearance is
Lear And Loathing In Las Vegas Sections from the book "UFOs, Aliens, and
"Ex"-intelligence Agents" by Lars Hansson.
Behold A Stale Horse by I.M. Feddup
Whistle Blowers by Don Ecker

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